This one-month money challenge will allow you to boost your savings!
Today I have something super fun to share. It’s a $265+ ONE MONTH SAVINGS CHALLENGE I put together to help anyone get a jump start on savings.
It’s a unique combination of saving money and making money that, if done bit by bit over the course of a month’s time, will net you at least $265 in extra money!
I am a strong believer that some people are just not cut out for strict budgeting. I personally fall into that category! I don’t like feeling deprived ALL THE TIME. But I can do just about anything if it’s a challenge and written out on a piece of paper so I can physically CHECK OFF my progress as I go.
The point of this money challenge is not to put exactly $265 in your pocket…although that is EXACTLY what it will do for you. The point of this exercise is to train yourself to look at saving money as a fluid process made up of different ways you can continuously save coupled with ways to make money here and there that will really add up over time.
I hope you like it!
One Month to $265+ Money Challenge
Click below to download the $265 Savings Challenge printable. Then read below for more specific instructions.
Download the $265+ Savings Challenge Template
Daily Task Details
Most of the daily tasks in the monthly challenge are self-explanatory (pack your lunch, for example). The tasks in the Monday column need a bit of explanation.
All you need to know about signing up for Inbox Dollars and Swagbucks is in my post How to Get $15 in Cash Signup Bonuses Right Now.
And the Ebates referral bonus is explained in this post.
For the coupon aspect, you can either reference my Coupon Tips for Beginners landing page (it has links to all my couponing advice) OR if you already know what to do, you can skip straight to these 4 COUPON PRINTERS
Finally, the ins and outs of pantry challenges are explained in the post What is a Pantry or Fridge Challenge?
Let me know if you have any questions along the way! Good luck!
Saira says
Love this idea! Thanks for sharing at the Mom Blog Party on & hope to see you again this Thursday.