Looking for summer bake sale ideas that will bring in the big bucks and help reach your fundraising goal? You've come to the right place! A summer bake sale brings its own unique challenges... You want sweet treats BUT they also need to be able to withstand the summertime heat! And, of course, you want your food to be the biggest hit at the bake sale. I asked my blogger friends for their brilliant summer bake sale ideas and they came through. Whether your child wants to set up a snack stand or you're prepping for a summer bake sale fundraiser, we've got you Keep Reading
13 Best Meal Train Ideas for Families {& How to Easily Set One Up!}
When a friend is in crisis, sometimes the best thing you can do for them is create a meal train. Meals are often the last thing on someone's mind when they are dealing with a difficult time or major life event. From the death of a family member to recovery from surgery or cancer treatments like chemo or radiation. Sometimes a meal train is a good idea for someone who is going through a joyous, but time-consuming situation.....like when new parents bring home a newborn baby, a couple is fostering a child, or someone is adopting their first child! Bringing someone a homemade meal Keep Reading
⭐ 25 Bake Sale Worthy Treats – Sell Out Recipe Ideas for Your Next Fundraiser
Every time I need to provide bake sale treats, I always bake the same old boring chocolate chip cookies. It's like my creative side goes dormant when I need it most! I decided it would be a good idea to preserve a list of go-to bake sale ideas on the blog so I can reference it whenever I need to make something to sell. I'm thinking a good selection of cookies, cakes, and cupcakes that I can portion individually are in order. *I found even more ideas to recommend on top of the 25. I'll add them to the bottom of the article.* Best Fundraising Bake Sale Keep Reading
Disposable Oatmeal Baking Cups + Liners {Cute Designs!}
I have been looking for some great disposable oatmeal baking cups because they are great for easy dinners and meal trains (see Best Meal Train Ideas for Families). If you're here from that post, then you know what a great blessing it is to be able to take nutritious, delicious food to a friend in need. Most often, you don't need an airtight container to deliver oatmeal cups in. I think the larger size muffin cups are perfect for this purpose. Not only is baked oatmeal a great idea for meal trains, but this is a good simple quick meal idea for busy mornings (school days, meal prep Keep Reading
3 Meaningful Ways to Give Back as a Family (even when you’re kids are little)
This is the third post in my 3 things series, a series of posts full of heartfelt encouragement for moms and dads. Would you like your children to learn about those less fortunate? Here are some ideas for ways to get the family involved in charitable pursuits, even when your kids are little. Even though my kids are 7, 4, and 2, I like to be able to show them the world is full of people in need. Through my work on the board of a non-profit that sends home food with underprivileged children, I am in a unique position to understand the needs of a small nonprofit and how families can get Keep Reading
Protecting Our Children: School Bus Safety
Today as I was driving home from preschool pickup, I sat at a red light waiting to turn left while a lady driving an SUV passed me going in the opposite direction. She had just gone through a 4-way red light intersection and guess what? As she passed by me, she was looking down at the cell phone she held in her left hand as she drove with her right. I don't know this lady at all, but she was middle-aged, overweight, and certainly didn't look like she had cat-like reflexes. My guess is if I threw a ball at her WHILE she was looking, she probably couldn't catch it. So who the heck does she Keep Reading
How to Shop Responsibly & Save Money at the Same Time
By night, you can usually find me blogging. It’s the only time where I can fully focus on blogging tasks. But by day, you can find me doing many other things that matter to me. Mostly it is taking care of my 3 little ones, but about 10-15 hours per week you can also find me serving as president of a local non-profit that sends food home with underprivileged children. I honestly don’t have a lot of free time for anything other than taking care of my children and running our household, but blogging is an outlet for me and I LOVE giving back. Helping others figure out how to do the same, Keep Reading
Simple Way to Help Others – Hold a Winter Coat Drive
Everyone remembers to give to charity during the holidays, but we sometimes forget that January is one REALLY COLD month. A friend of mine recently held a playdate with an awesome theme. It was a winter coat drive for children at a local elementary school. She set up a normal park playdate (we were to all meet her at the park at 10 a.m. on a Thursday), but added the option to bring a coat or two with you that she would then pass along to her sister who is a teacher at the school. Winter Coat Drive & Playdate - Fun and Charitable If you'd like to hold a coat drive of your own, Keep Reading
How You Can Feed a Hungry Child By Using Online Coupon Codes…Seriously!
Learn how you can use Save1 to feed a hungry child! Good friends and long-time readers of my blog know that I have a soft spot for charities that feed hungry children. I love volunteering with a local charity, Backpack Buddies, that sends home food-filled backpacks every Friday with children who might not otherwise eat over the weekend when school’s out. And you only have to take one glance at my blog to know that I’m a big fan of money-saving strategies. Sometimes I even combine those interests, such as in the post 7 Things You Don’t Need But Buy Anyway. Keep Reading
Little Ways to Give During the Holidays & Throughout the Year
Despite the fact that I love flowers and warm weather, I'd have to say I like the Christmas season more than the spring and summer. More than anything, I like it because it forces my friends and family to take vacation and obligates them to visit me! haha There's nothing I like more than getting to spend quality time with my loved ones. Another reason I like the holiday season is because it reminds me of just how lucky I am and, unfortunately, how many people out there are hurting. It kicks me into giving high gear, and I love discovering new ways to help Keep Reading