I was talking with an old friend recently, someone who just began her journey as a stay-at-home-mom. I have two little ones with a third on the way, and something she said threw me for a loop. It was something I hadn’t thought about in quite a while. Her question: How do you handle the mental drain of having no one to talk to all day long? Most people are ready for the physical changes pregnancy brings. You expect to gain weight, and you expect to operate on minimal sleep. You may even have no expectations of fitting into your Keep Reading
How to Get Dressed in Half The Time
Your morning routine needs to change You want to leave the house every morning calm and relaxed instead of rushed and harried. Imagine waking up and sauntering over to your closet. You pick out a pair of pants and a cute top. When you try them on and look in the mirror, they work perfectly together. Bam! You're done getting dressed! Can you imagine how much that would improve your day? How much more time you would have if picking out an outfit only took 30 seconds? This is what I do every morning. And no, I'm not insanely gifted at it. Quite the contrary. I used to be so self Keep Reading
The 3 Basket Laundry System That Saved My Sanity (for people who have a laundry closet)
Our washer & dryer are in a closet off of our kitchen. It's truly NOT ideal for a family of five. But it's what we have, and I'm trying to make the most of it. For years I've struggled to come up with a laundry system that accommodates our lack of laundry room space, and I've not found a proper solution. Until last week, that is! I'm so excited about it, I wanted to write a quick post about how I set this up so you can do the same if you don't have a laundry room and have to basically keep your in-process laundry out in the open for the world to see. What I Used to Keep Reading
3 Things Every Mom Misses After She Has Two or More Kids
Let's face it. Becoming a mom means you have to give up a little bit of freedom. I wouldn't trade my little boogers for the world, but sometimes I wish these pieces of the old me back. Three silly little things I miss now that I have three kids: 1) Going to the mall....just to shop....for the sake of shopping. Is it too much to ask to be able to go to the mall for a leisurely afternoon of shopping and fun? Maybe I'd meet up with best friend, and we could have a leisurely lunch. Maybe we'd buy too many candles at Bath & Body Works, try on too many shoes at Belk, and waste time in Keep Reading
Dear Mom of a Preschooler, a Toddler, and a Baby
Lately I've been reading a lot of blog posts that have been written in a Dear John kind of style. They're usually part of a blogging challenge where the blogger is challenging herself to write a note to another mom or her former self, giving advice or encouragement. One, in particular, written by The Humbled Homemaker entitled "Dear Mom of a Toddler and a Baby" struck a chord with me. I felt like I could have written that post, and I feel compelled to add my spin to the same story, although from a little different perspective. I have three kids all born within the span of 4.5 years. My Keep Reading
How Do You Cope When Your Husband Travels a Lot?
I usually tend to write fun and informative posts on my blog, you know, like sharing crafty printables or writing about household budgeting goal of mine. But today, I want to talk about adventures with a traveling spouse. My husband has been traveling a lot and I barely have time to take care of myself and three kids with school, preschool, homework, swim lessons, Bible study, church, fitness, etc that I don't have time for the "extras" in life like blogging. I'm one of those people who always has a daily planner within arm's reach. I like to plan out my weeks in advance. Sometimes I Keep Reading