Last night I was in Target shopping for Christmas gifts and a birthday present for one of my daughter’s friends.
I somehow found myself in the stationery section yet again, looking at the cute to-do lists. I found one I really liked – it was one of those notebooks with different sticky note to-do lists.
Seemed perfect for my type of planning…writing things down on random scraps of paper or sticky notes and putting them somewhere I’d be sure to look the next day. LOL
Does this sound like you? I’m hoping I’m not the only one who uses this haphazard method of remembering my to-dos.
FREE To-Do List Templates to Print Out
I was about to put that sticky note to-do list pad in my cart when I realized it was $6.99.
Seven dollars for a small stack of sticky notes with lines on them?!! I don’t think so!
So I put that notepad back on the shelf and started thinking of ways to make my own for much less $.
This morning I went online and found some really cute & colorful to-do lists to print out.
Cute, Colorful & Free Printable Daily To-Do Lists
I found some cute templates that are completely free to download and use as I wish.
I hope you like them as much as I do!
Invincible Inc has a super useful blank to-do list template with sections for each day, the weekend, this month, and eventually.
That’s how I usually keep track of my to-dos in my daily planner, but each week I have to copy over any undone items to the next week.
I might use this planner to keep a master list on my fridge.
The best part about this template is it’s an editable PDF. You can either fill it out on your computer, then print it out or print it out and fill it out by hand.
I like having the option to do either one.
Colorful To Do Lists to Print Out
I also found a cute, colorful SIMPLE to-do list on Clean Mama.
If you have enough printer ink, you could even print this one out and make it into a notepad.
If you want to know how to take this template and turn it into a notepad, check out my tutorial on making your own notepads here >>
You just use this same notepad padding compound that I recommend in that post and you can have a whole pad of any of these to do lists!
And here’s a vibrant colorful weekly to do list of my own that matches my 2015 monthly calendar printables.
I love that it has a lot of lines to keep track of individual daily to do list items throughout the week.
I always finds that I have TONS of things to get done and I don’t like it when all there is on a sheet is a big blank box. lol
Sometimes I like a simpler format to keep track of all the things I need to do related to a specific project, like Christmas decorations to put up or spring cleaning items.
I think my new favorite site is My Love for Words! I found this super adorable weekly printable to-do list in one of my favorite color combos – shades of blue and green.
The only way it could be more perfect is if it was bright blue and purple! :=)
And finally, here’s one of my very own – it’s varying shades of pinks and purples, almost a Valentine’s Day themed to do list! 🙂
Pretty To Do List – Pink & Purple Ombre
And a set of pretty daily checklists in cheery colors!
And yet another cute printable with a fresh circles theme:
You asked for more daily checklists, so I’m hard at work on new creations! 🙂
Check back soon for more cheerful daily checklists!
Do you have a favorite printable to-do list template to share?
If so, please let me know in the comments below!
If you’re anything like me, you might fall in love with these colorful pens as well! Note: the link to the pens below contains an affiliate code which will result in WhatMommyDoes receiving commission for any purchases.
I hope you like the pens I picked out! 🙂
Cute & Colorful Felt Tip Pens for Awesome List-Making!!
(Click on the image below to check them out)
Emily @ My Love for Words says
Thanks so much for sharing my weekly to do list! If you’d like I’d be happy to make a bright blue and purple one for you. Purple’s my fav color so you don’t have to twist my arm too hard 😉 Just let me know, and thanks again!
Lena Gott says
Wow! That would be WONDERFUL! I’ll feature that one, too, if you’d like!
Mindelei Wuori says
Do you happen to have a copy of the “Get it Done” list in teal? That website no longer exists and it’s just what I’m looking for!! 🙂
Lena Gott says
oh no! I don’t – I’m sorry! I’ll update this post first chance I get.
April says
There is something magical about pretty organizational printables. They make To dos more fun!
Thank you for all of these amazingly cute templates, I hopped over here from your Blog Traffic Bonus Guide. What amazing value you give in so many different areas.