Couponing, as my regular readers will know, used to be a slight addiction for me. I had the binder going, I subscribed to four newspapers (yes, 4!), and I set aside hours per week to scour for deals and steals.
I’m proud to say I’m now a reformed coupon queen. But I don’t regret it at all. One of the best things that came out of that experience is my catalog of coupon-related posts that continue to help readers. And also, I now have quite a library of tricks for saving money when it comes to all kinds of coupons.
How to Find Money in Your Fridge
It used to be that stores would accept paper manufacturer’s coupons (you know, the ones you get in the newspaper) and not all stores would recognize printable coupons (the ones you print out on your computer at home). These days, you can load store coupons onto your smart phone and have the cashier scan them at checkout.
You can do this in addition to the old stacking coupon tricks. This post will explain exactly how you can triple stack coupons for maximum grocery savings.
Triple Coupon Stacking Example
Here’s an example of how you can essentially stack savings to get three times the savings on a single item!
- Step 1: Use a manufacturer’s coupon. These can either be from the newspaper or printed from an online coupon database. Use one per item.
- Step 2: Use a store coupon or discount on that same item. This works at grocery stores and Target. Target is notorious for putting out its own coupons on items it wants to encourage consumers to buy. These coupons sometimes come in the mail and other times they are printed out for you at the register. I like to keep them in a separate envelope in my purse so I always know where they are. At grocery stores, you can often load “virtual coupons” onto your customer loyalty card, and you redeem those savings by scanning your card at checkout (which you have to do anyway to get the store prices on groceries). Use one store-specific coupon or deal in addition to your manufacturer’s coupon.
- Step 3: Use the iBotta app to redeem cash back. iBotta is a very simple app to use. After you use it once, you’ll be a pro. All it is is basically another way food companies get you to try their products, but the beauty is that iBotta rebates are claimed after you check out independently of any coupons used. So, if Dasani has a manufacturer’s coupon in the paper and also an iBotta rebate for the same amount, you can redeem both for double savings on the same item. You can sign up for iBotta here.
How to Make the Most of Triple Coupon Savings
I don’t always remember to check for store specials AND clip coupons AND use iBotta, but when I do, the savings reallyadds up! Now that smart phones makes couponing easier, there really is no excuse for me to not save tons on every shopping trip.
The best items to use this trick on are new products. Food companies love to tease new products with promotional coupon offers. Stores also like to highlight new products by putting them on sale. Take advantage of that attention to triple your savings!
If you try this little trick to get triple coupon savings, let me know how it goes! Oh and I forgot mention – there is one way I know of to actually get QUADRUPLE savings on a single item. That happens when a product comes with a mail-in rebate. Those kinds of stacked savings deals are far and few between, but I have been lucky enough to stumble across a few before.
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Kara says
Many years ago, I used to keep a coupon binder (but I probably wasn’t maximizing my savings!). Things sure have changed with Ibotta and all the online coupons. There’s a lot of potential for big savings if you’re able to find coupons for the products you buy. Great post!
Marjie @ Home Again Jiggety-jig! says
I have used your trick several times, (except for the iBOTTA. My cell phone isn’t smart enough, though my family is after me to get one! There really are a lot of ways to save by using apps now, so I probably should just bite the bullet.
Lena Gott says
I was an early adopter to IBotta, then stopped using it for a while and now that I’m back, it’s even more awesome! At first there were only a few stores, but now that are TONS! And it also gives generic coupons like $0.50 off milk. Who doesn’t want free money on something they were going to buy anyway?! 🙂
Kathryn says
I love couponing! Great article!
Rebecca says
I’ve seen all those coupon articles but this is very well written and clear. My husband and I are serior citizens and every little penny counts. Thanks for sharing !!!!
Lena Gott says
Thank you so much! Your comment really means a lot to me. I try to be as clear as possible! 🙂
Wendy says
Thank you for introducing me to iBotta ! I use coupons (and stack when I can) but I am no longer as obsessed as I once was. My sister, on the other hand, is a coupon queen. I am going to be sure she knows about iBotta too! 🙂
Lena Gott says
Thank you, Wendy! I really do like iBotta. It only takes once to understand how it works. The hardest part is remembering to use it! It’s very handy.
Crystal Bissonnette says
I am always looking for ways to save money! I wish I was better at cutting coupons. I do always make sure I hit the clearance every where I go. Even my grocery store has a clearance section right when you go in and I have found some great buys!
Lena Gott says
I love shopping the clearance section, whether it’s groceries or clothes!