Anyone who’s ever tried to put together a family budget knows that it’s no easy task. Every family is so different, it’s difficult to give a standard example of expense categories for a monthly budget. What one family considers important might not be on another’s radar, and everyone makes different amounts of income, adding to the differences. Keep in mind that low income and high income households have vastly different budgeting techniques. A large percentage of a low income household’s income is spent on necessities, and a high income household may have additional expenses Keep Reading
Can You Really Afford to Live on One Income?
Several years ago, I transitioned from a stressful desk job to being to a stay at home mom. How our family manages live on one income is probably the thing I got asked most about when friends and family learned I wasn't going back to work after my maternity leave ended. Living Beyond Our Means: Could We Ever Live on One Income? Making the initial jump from a comfortable two-earner household without kids to a single income household with a little one was not easy. We were used to spending our money willy nilly without any pressing responsibilities to Keep Reading