There are soooo many things that go into having a successful blog.
When you’re beginning, it feels like the whole world is against you, conspiring to rob you of all your free time and sleep.
I get it. I’ve been there. Writing and creating images into the wee hours of the night hoping to catch a break.
Not sure what to do first or next or last because the to-do list seems unbelievably long and confusing.
I want to help you figure out how to get traffic without banging your head against your keyboard!
I’m going to assume that you don’t want to spend money until you make some money. EVEN THOUGH that’s not the way the world usually works, it IS possible to make money blogging without spending much money.
Traffic-Building Resources from Adventures in Blogging
Below we will talk about things you can do right now FOR FREE that will have a positive impact on your traffic, but when you are ready to dive deeper, there are a few paid resources (all books and courses on Adventures in Blogging) that will help you tremendously.
- Traffic Transformation – This is for ALL bloggers, new and experienced. It’s full of the lessons I learned in building my blog from 17,000 page views a month to over 400,000 page views some months! I recommend reading this before you go too far down the wrong path!
- Blog Traffic Bootcamp – This bootcamp is for experienced bloggers with a good amount of content but in need of a content audit + a way to boost oldies but goodies.
- Adventures in SEO – My flagship course on common sense search engine optimization that you can use for killer traffic without even using a keyword tool. This course is only open certain times of the year, so make sure to join the waiting list if you go to the link and the course is closed.
How to Get Traffic to Your Blog (When You Have None)
Even if you’re starting from zero, there are many things you can do to get people to come to your blog.
You might be wondering how long it will take before you start getting traffic….
I can’t tell you that because everyone’s blog niche and work ethic are different, but I can tell you that how much traffic you can get is 100% dependent upon your willingness to buckle down and take steps towards building up your blog little by little and by taking steps like the ones outlined below.
Let’s get started!
1. Download the Free Blog Traffic Bonus Guide
These are simple-to-implement tips that really make a difference in the amount of traffic you get! Do everything it suggests. I promise this won’t steer you wrong.
2. Take a hard look at who you’re serving.
Is it CRYSTAL CLEAR who each of your blog posts is written to? Are you writing to the woman who wants to look amazing in her bathing suit or are you writing to “ladies” in general? There’s a difference! The more specific you can be with who you serve, the easier it will be to find your people.
3. Stop promoting on all the platforms and focus on one or two
Preferably ones that don’t require constant attention. So, choose Pinterest or Facebook or even Google and figure out how to get seen on those platforms. Just start researching online about all the best practices. There are TONS of free tutorials available out there. You can get really far with free tutorials if you’re specific on what you’re looking for.
Learn one or two platforms and then move on once you master those. Don’t get sucked in by anyone who promises to give you a one-size-fits-all “blog post promotion schedule.”
Not every platform is right for everyone. What you need to do to promote your content is different on each platform, and some platforms just won’t be for you.
For instance, I cannot STAND running a Facebook page. I find it to be the most frustrating thing in the blogging world! Once I learned that about myself, my blog grew by leaps and bounds because I had more time to focus on what DOES work for me that I also LIKE to do.
4. Work on your headlines
Headlines can make or break you. Let me say that again. Headlines can make or break you!
Would you have visited this blog post if the headline was “Some Things I Learned About My Blog”……..? How much more compelling (and specific) is What to Do When You Have No Blog Traffic? Or an image that says this?
I’ve seen blogs with a beautiful look + amazing content get absolutely no traffic. Yet some blogs with typos galore and blurry images get massive page views. A nice looking blog and amazing content is nice, but it’s your VALUE PROPOSITION that gets people to your blog.
If you were your ideal reader, would you be irresistibly compelled to click on every one of your blog posts? No? Then work on your headlines! (FYI – This is a topic I go to in depth in Traffic Transformation.
5. Become a student of great content
Dive deep into blogs that you KNOW are successful. What are they doing differently than you? Read blog posts dedicated to analyzing great content, like this one from BuzzSumo: Most Shared Headlines Study There are massive tutorials and data-based blog posts like this out there. Just search for them on Google!
6. Above all, keep learning
Learn one new thing per day, even if it means listening to a YouTube video or podcast on your drive to work. Consistent education will eventually build up until you have a massive amount of knowledge working in your favor.
Take action on these tips now and your page views will thank you later. 🙂
After You Implement Some of These Blog Traffic Ideas…
Please come back and let me know how things are going! I’d love to know what happens once you’ve had time to make some changes.
There’s nothing more I love than seeing another blogger succeed!
Learn more about Adventures in Blogging Courses here >>
Jake Jones says
Good stuff, Lena. Still trying to get the hang of this stuff myself. Maybe one day I will have the same level of success as you!
Doing a lot of the stuff in the list is hard, but definitely necessary. However, #6 is my favorite and the easiest for me. I love listening to audible and podcasts.
Teya | tlmblog says
Great tips! I feel like I’m doing all of these but I’m gonna take another look at my blog titles based on what you said. Thanks for sharing!