Not too long ago, I published a blog post called 7 Ways to Make $500 to $1000 Extra Per Month. It was a list of ideas I knew for sure could help someone make extra cash. I never imagined it would be as popular as it has been! Funny thing is I have a notebook full of about 300 ideas for making extra money, some simple job ideas and other full-blown business ideas all written out - yes, they’re in an actual notebook! Hopefully my house never burns down. :) I’m on a mission to put as many of these ideas as possible on the blog because I love to hear about others taking my ideas and Keep Reading
How to Start a Cupcake Business – Books & Ideas to Get You Going
I love talking about unique business ideas you can run from home or just on your own terms. Perhaps one of my favorites is a CUPCAKE SHOP! I get so many people who ask me about cupcake businesses that I felt compelled to write a post highlighting some of the best CUPCAKE BUSINESS RESOURCES I can find. Before I would start any business, I would likely read about 5 books on the subject (not kidding!). There is absolutely no reason for anyone to have to go into business completely blind these days...there is so much information available to us now. I would want to know everything Keep Reading
How to Make an Extra $1,000 a Month – 5 Ideas to Get You Going
I write quite a bit on my blog about making extra money on the side, but I don't often put all of my ideas together into one place. I decided that I should probably do it today so that you can pick whichever idea fits you best to make an extra $1000 a month! This list outlines 5 specific ways to make an extra $1000 a month, and they're all ways to make extra cash that have worked for me and my friends. These aren't just hypothetical ideas! I hope you find something you like in this list or, at the very least, I hope it gets your creative juices flowing so you can find the perfect money Keep Reading
5 Ways to Make Extra Money If You’re Good at Photography
Ok, let me tell you - I am super excited about today's post because it's something I've been thinking about for quite some time. You see, when people hear I'm a blogger, they assume I'm great at photography. That's because many bloggers have craft or food blogs, and their success depends 100% on their ability to take good pictures of their creations. I am sorry to say I don't have the photography skills to be one of those bloggers (I still to writing about making money online, holidays, and having fun as a family), and I rely nearly 100% on stock photography that I purchase to accompany Keep Reading
5 Easy Ways to Make Money – Teen Edition
Today my teenage babysitter was telling me that she just got responsibility for paying for her own car-related expenses. She has a new car that's under warranty for 50,000 miles. But she knows she will have to pay for repairs and maintenance in the future in addition to the car payments, insurance, and taxes in the meantime. Easy Ways to Make Money on the Side NOT in Retail I told her she could always get a traditional retail job or if she's making enough from babysitting to cover most of her expenses, there are tons of other ways to make money and fill in the gaps. As a teen, Keep Reading
Part-Time & Full-Time Work From Home Jobs for Moms
From time to time, I come across really cool part-time work from home positions that would be great for my stay-at-home-mom friends who want some extra cash without having to leave the house or take their kids to daycare. This is where I am going to start posting those leads as I find them. So, without further ado... (is that spelling right? seems so...let's go with it ;=) 7 Work From Home Jobs For Moms 1. Blogging Starting a blog can be a part-time or full-time job. It all depends on how much time you want to invest and how hard you want to grow it. I know bloggers who work Keep Reading