There are times in our lives when money is the best gift we could receive.
That doesn’t make it any easier to ask for!
We can’t dictate how other’s will gift us, and we don’t want to be rude. This makes it tricky when money is the only option that would help at the moment.
I got you. Here are some simple ways to ask for cash without sounding offensive or greedy.
How To Put Into Words That You Want Money As Your Gift
It’s all in the delivery.
I find that people love a good story and a lot of details. If you can communicate your needs into your request, they will be more understanding of it.
If you need cash for a school trip to Paris or to save up for your first vehicle, put those details in your explanation.
It will paint a story that friends and loved ones want to get behind. If they can get behind it, they may be more inclined to help you out.
How To Ask For Money For Your Birthday
Sometimes you don’t need anything more than you need some cash!
It can be intimidating to do but I would bet a lot of people would love to give cash over a gift they aren’t sure you will love.
I know I like it when a cash gift is suggested. It takes something off of my plate. I no longer have to go out and buy a gift, I can give my loved one money and know they are going to be happy with it.
The best way to ask it to do it outright and be honest. A message of appreciation for wanting to buy a gift with a statement of what kind of gift you would like is best.
Need sample wording? Here are a few example messages!
Example #1 – Birthday Money Request – Thank you for wanting to get a present for me for my birthday. I am saving up to purchase a larger item and would appreciate if the money that would have been spent on the gift to be given as cash instead. It would mean a lot to me.
Example #2 – Birthday Money Request – I have a goal to raise $500 as start-up money to open my own lawn mowing business. I love and appreciate the support you’ve shown me. For my birthday this year, I am asking for money to help me reach my goal!
Example #3 – Birthday Money Request – I am excited to announce I have been selected for my school’s international debate competition this year. I am currently asking for monetary instead of gifts this year so I can attend the competition.
Example #4 – Birthday Money Request – This year I am raising funds to purchase a computer. I have been saving for the past 8 months and it is within reach! I’m requesting cash instead of presents this year as I am very close to reaching my goal.
These messages are simple, straightforward and also respectful.
Something to remember – don’t overcomplicate by trying to overly explain yourself with too many extraneous details. Just state the facts – that you need money and that you would greatly appreciate cash instead of a physical gift.
How To Ask For Money For Christmas
Christmas is an amazing time to receive money in any form in lieu of presents.
If you are a teen or a young adult, this is a good opportunity to demonstrate maturity and to make requests that work for you in life.
One of these ways is to be proactive in your Christmas gift requests.
I love it when my kids let me know exactly what they want. Whenever they tell me that they would like cash instead of a physical gift, I get excited.
Money is a much easier gift to wrap and it’s easier than having to think of and then find the perfect present.
You will be doing your loved ones a favor by telling them your true Christmas gift wishes.
When you are asking for Money for Christmas.
- Begin with a thank you and acknowledgment of their generosity
- Be direct, polite and succinct with your request.
- Don’t use too many words.
Short – Sweet – To the point
This is the way to ask for a Christmas money gift in a respectful way.
How To Say Thank You For Receiving Money
A heartfelt acceptance of the gift of cash is the best way to do it.
At times it can be uncomfortable to express our feelings on the spot, so here are a few ways you can say it:
- Thank you for the present, I really appreciate it.
- I love the gift. This is going to be put to good use!
- It’s perfect, just what I’ve been looking for.
- How did you know? I’ve always wanted this for my birthday.
Sometimes a little bit of humor injected into the thank you can break the tension and help the Thank You go over well.
For Ways To Gift Money Check Out These Posts
- 10 Ways To Give Money As A Gift
- 21 Clever Money Graduation Gift Ideas
- 19 Creative Birthday Money Gift Ideas
- Simple DIY “Bag of Cash” Money Gift
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