There are times in our lives when money is the best gift we could receive. That doesn't make it any easier to ask for! We can't dictate how other's will gift us, and we don't want to be rude. This makes it tricky when money is the only option that would help at the moment. I got you. Here are some simple ways to ask for cash without sounding offensive or greedy. How To Put Into Words That You Want Money As Your Gift It's all in the delivery. I find that people love a good story and a lot of details. If you can communicate your needs into your request, they Keep Reading
7 Easy School Market Day Food Ideas
Do you need ideas for edible things to sell at school market day? If you have approval to sell food in your booth (very important to get before you waste time planning this out), then your next order of business is to figure out what to sell that people like like! What Foods Are Easy to Sell? Foods that sell well are eye appealing. They are always packaged up nicely and also just look good to eat! It is easy to sell foods that are packaged up individually and displayed in a pleasing manner. In this post, we'll talk mostly about sweet treats Keep Reading
17 Best Things for Kids to Make and Sell
For the second year in a row, my daughter is participating in a local event put on my town where vendors come together the first weekend in May to sell items. It’s kind of like a street fair meets flea market. There are food trucks, craft items, pottery, jewelry, clothing, and more for sale at this young entrepreneur's event. Last year my daughter sold brownies and lemonade. This year we are brainstorming what to have in her booth. I want her to be able to make it herself mostly but also be PROFITABLE. Introducing Kids to Money Making Crafts & Real-Life Keep Reading
10 Summer Projects to Make Money as a Kid
My nephews (ages 10 and 16) and my kids (ages 14, 12, and 10) are always saving up for something. They want me to give them extra work around the house so I can pay them BUT we don’t typically pay for chores around here. They do chores because they’re part of the family and then they get an allowance no matter what (so they can learn to manage money). I realize that allowing them to earn extra cash and then manage that money would also be a great lesson. So I am open to the idea of paying them to go above and beyond regular chores or for completing larger time Keep Reading
How to Hold a Children’s Business Fair in Your Community
This post is sponsored by Acton Children's Business Fair and includes tracking links. For more information about tracking links and how to opt out, please visit All About Do Not Track ( prior to clicking any links found in this post. When I was a child, there was nothing I wanted more than to have my own business. I remember BEGGING my mom to let me sell my handmade glitter bracelets door to door. When she said no, I begged her to let me mow lawns. I was only 10 years old and kind of clumsy, so it’s probably a good idea that she told me no to mowing Keep Reading
10+ Easy School Market Day Ideas to Make and Sell
Does the idea of School Market Day for your child make you feel anxious about what you need to make? I’ve been there -- as recently as last year! To help stem the panic this year, I came up with ten clever, easy, and practical items to ensure that your child’s next Business or Market Day is a big success. Fun & Easy Market Day Ideas for Kids I tried to find things to make for many different ages, so whether your kid is in elementary school or middle school, they'll find a good, simple business idea in this list. Everyone will have fun making these Keep Reading
How to Start Your Child on the Road to Financial Independence
Today I want to welcome Amanda Grossman to the blog to talk about teaching kids to save money. She's writes about money education for kids over at Money Prodigy and has a lot of practical advice for all of us interested in raising financially responsible children. Take it away, Amanda! I don’t have to tell you that your child needs a money education. You already know that. But how to actually start that money education? Well, that’s a different story. Let's get started! How To Start Teaching Kids About Money I talk to parents all the time who feel absolutely Keep Reading
How to Teach Kids About Money
Here on WhatMommyDoes, I write quite often about personal finance from an adult perspective. How to save money for big purchases, how to meal plan on a budget, where to get printable coupons, how to make extra money on the side, how to invest your hard earned dollars..... But one thing I haven't covered much is TEACHING KIDS ABOUT MONEY. Now that my kids are getting older (they're now 8, 6, and 4), I am thinking a lot about their future. I'm thinking about all the things I have to teach them in the short time I have them in my home, and it's a daunting task! Financial Keep Reading