Babies are so cute! From their squishy little faces to their even more squishy little toes. There are few things in this life that are more precious than those moments when you can really connect with your child.
The memories you form in those moments last a lifetime for the both of you and little one. These memories begin before your baby is even born. The time spent in the womb is the closest any two people can get.
A summer pregnancy is wonderful and hard all at once. The weather is perfect for being in a bathing suit and letting your belly out in the breeze for all the world to see. The water is typically warm whether you’re at the ocean, lake or the pool. FLOATING IS AMAZING while you’re pregnant. It’s that wonderful chance to have the weight of your pregnant belly lifted and supported naturally.
While all that is true, it’s also HOT. So so hot. Talk about eating for two, I swear sweating for two is a thing as well… but all of that is worth it when you hold that little baby in your arms.
The Difficulty Of Shopping For Items When The Seasons Are Changing So Fast
Predicting the weather/ your baby’s needs can be difficult. Especially so for first time parents.
Here is a basic list of things that you will need for a newborn August baby:
- Shoes
- Hats
- Blankets
- Seat Covers
- Fans
- Stroller Accessories
- Socks
- Insulated Bags
- Clothing in Layers
In short, you are looking first for products for keeping your August baby cool, but then immediately to warm because fall is coming fast and winter shortly after that.
I’ll go into more detail with pictures for each time below.
While your newborn may not need shoes for walking yet, if you have them touch their feet to any surface the temperature can be hot enough to damage their new baby skin. Shoes at this age are basically moccasins that have no structure to them, they are simply a layer a bit thicker than socks.
Hats that block the sun from eyes, ears, heads, and necks are a must. And breathable materials that won’t leave your baby sweating too much and overheating are necessary since babies have a hard time regulating their own systems.
Muslin blankets are just about the most perfect type of blanket you can use for a baby no matter how old they are. They are breathable and light yet somehow don’t keep them either too hot or too cool. It’s like they are made of magic.
Seat Covers
Seat covers are really nice on those bright sunny days when you have to go out but you don’t want to either wake your baby up or have the light be right on them. I found it great in the Spring as well when the high amounts of pollen was in the air and I needed to keep my son from getting covered in it.
Fans that are adjustable and can grab onto strollers, car seats or umbrellas are an amazing invention. These are not only perfect for keeping cool but they also work well against bugs!
Stroller Accessories
Stroller never come with enough things! Cup things, bag things, space thing, strappy things. All the extra things are nice to have.
Good thing you can buy all those things now.
Most of the time I don’t see the point of having socks on a baby. But sometimes you just need to keep them covered up a bit more and having those little socks on their feet is such and easy way to do that. The name of the game in August though is lightweight fabric…
Insulated Diaper/ Lunch Bags
Whether you breast feed or bottle feed or combo it a good insulated bag is a must! There are so many times I had to pack some stored breast milk for a trip and having a bag dedicated to that was such a lifesaver. My kids never were picky if the milk was cold or warm but I found that in the summer months they did suck down the cooler milk faster.
This was great for when we went somewhere outdoors in the hotter weather, like a Labor day camping trip or a simple day at the park.
Ya’ll!! Check out this diaper bag!
It opens up to so you can always have a clean place to change your baby and a nap space! It’s like a magical bag that does everything. Where was this thing all my life.
Layered Clothing
Newborns need help staying cool and warm. They can’t do it on their own yet so keeping a close watch on them and changing them as needed is often necessary. It’s easy to do when you bring along a few different layer of clothing with you. And the items are so little, it’s easy enough pack them all in a single diaper bag.
Essentials For An Older August Baby
Once your baby is a little older you have a few more items to add to the list.
The main one is sunscreen. Sunblock is not recommended for babies younger than 6 months of age so keeping your newborn shaded is essential but you can put baby sunscreen on them after that.
I actually put sunscreen on my kids all year long if they are going to be outside for a while. In the winter months I find the reflection of the sun on the snow can give them little sunburns on their cheeks.
Another item that is essential is some sort of lip protection.
This Lip Balm by Dr Talbots is amazing. It can also be used on their puffy little cheeks for some additional weatherproofing in the cool fall air.
During the late summer and early fall months it is the perfect weather for traveling with your baby/ toddler.
But dragging all those heavy items around with you can be a drag and downright unreasonable at times.
Pop up activity centers are perfect for wrangling your little one all the while keeping them entertained.
Another easy-to-take but simple and cool toy for a young baby is a wrist strap toy or sock toy.
Really little one don’t have the dexterity to grab onto toys yet so keep them engaged can be very time consuming. Help them find their limbs with these toys.
Is Your Baby Coming Soon And You Don’t Know What to Register For?
I gathered a list of the 21 essential items that every parent needs for their new baby and put it together here for you. Check it out.
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