It comes as no surprise to many parents that reading TO your child in the early years (even as babies!) has a tremendous impact on a child's ability to catch onto reading later on. I used to think the main benefit was that your baby begins to pick up on reading cadence, which helps them read along in class with inflection. This is a goal of beginner readers in Kindergarten and First Grade, so that makes perfect sense to me. What I didn't realize was that I was WAYYYYY oversimplifying the impact of reading aloud to your baby. Benefits of Keep Reading
10 Incredibly Fun Baby Shower Games + Prize Ideas
Baby showers are so much fun! If you are planning one, you’re probably wondering what kind of fun baby shower games to play, especially when you are trying to throw a classy baby shower with people of all ages in attendance. Often, the thought of playing baby shower games gives people a cold sweat, but never fear! There are a lot of funny baby shower games to play that are not inappropriate, and won’t embarrass either the mother-to-be or shower attendees. 10 FUN + CLASSY BABY SHOWER GAMES Here are 10 incredibly fun (and sometimes hilarious) baby shower games your Keep Reading
25 Must-Have Baby Items & Why You Need Them
This is a guest post by Tracey Clayton. Let's welcome Tracey to the blog! She did a great job on this post. :) The arrival of a child to the family, especially the first, involves having to buy all the items that the baby needs during the first months and years of life. There definitely are a few must haves that would ensure a child’s health and comfort. It’s best to prepare everything before the baby is born and avoid more panic and rush than necessary. 25 Must-Have Baby Items & Why You Need Them #1 Crib & Mattress Crib or a cradle should be made of wood, strong and Keep Reading
7 Types of Exercises You Can Do While Pregnant from What to Expect®
Today I’m excited to share with you a super duper helpful pregnancy and baby resource – the What to Expect® series of books! What to Expect® When You’re Expecting was originally published in 1984. Since then, it has had 600+ record-breaking weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list….in fact, it’s the longest running book on the list! Author Heidi Murkoff wrote this book when she realized an equivalent books for expectant mothers was not available. With over 36 million books sold to date, you can sure she knows her stuff! I read What to Expect® When You’re Expecting TWO TIMES – once Keep Reading