When I had fewer than 100 blog posts, I found it extremely difficult to come up with new content ideas. I would wrack my brain and come up with a bunch of boring ideas!
What SHOULD You Blog About on a Lifestyle Blog?
Because my blog is about a lot of things related to being a mom, it’s technically a “lifestyle” blog. I figured it would be easy to come up with things to say.
All I wanted to do was really get my blog off the ground and nothing I wrote seemed to be the “thing” that resonated with my readers.
Then one day I realized the issue with finding things to write about on your blog is so difficult is because you can write about ANYTHING. There are SO MANY options! You’d think MORE options would be easier, but it’s not as simple as it seems.
I always wished I had a checklist of specific things to write about but there wasn’t one for me at that time I was a beginner blogger (around the year 2010 is when I started WhatMommyDoes).
Now We Have a Checklist of Blog Posts to Write!
I finally got into the groove on my own, but I was probably well over 100 blog posts before that happened.
Since then I’ve found a great checklist to help with writer’s block/creative block/whatever you want to call it – it’s a list of 120 Blog Post Ideas from Ruth Soukup at Elite Blog Academy.
If you are ready to start writing and stop feeling like you have run out of things to say, this list is a great starting point!
What is Elite Blog Academy?
Elite Blog Academy is a foundational blogging course that can take someone with NO BLOG whatsoever to a full fledged blogging business in about a year’s time.
It’s a step-by-step framework that you follow, starting with identifying your perfect reader (called your “avatar”) to gathering names for an email list to helping you start to monetize with products.
It’s not a cheap course, but it’s a good investment is you’re REALLY SERIOUS about giving blogging all you’ve got. The best way to learn about Elite Blog Academy is to sign up for their waiting list right here >>
Then you will be notified when the doors open for enrollment (usually once a year and usually around March!).
What Else Helps When You’re Stuck for Creative Content Ideas?
So often I sit down at my computer and draw a blank on what to write about, but whenever I read or watch something as a prompt, I have a million ideas!
That’s how I recommend using this list of ideas. Don’t feel like you have to write all the different kinds of blog posts – just use it as inspiration to plan out your next few posts.
In addition to referencing this handy blog post checklist, here are a couple of additional writing tips that can help when you’re stuck
- Don’t force yourself to write when you’re not feeling creative. Blogging takes a tremendous amount of creativity. You have to put yourself in your reader’s shoes and then write with clarity and compassion to get your point across. If you’re not feeling creative, putting those kinds of heartfelt words on paper is a nearly impossible feat! When I’m stuck not feeling creative, I love pulling up a YouTube video on a related topic. I don’t know what it is about hearing another person’s opinion on a subject, but it makes me want to write and write….mostly about all of my objections to what they just said! LOL
- Write at YOUR best times of day. As I wrote in this Facebook post, my most creative time to work is 11 PM to 1 AM….I’ve written almost nearly every single massively successful blog post at that time of night. I can get a lot of work done around 9 AM, but I don’t normally feel that creative at that time of day. As you can see from the comments on that post, everyone has a different creative time of day! Find yours and you’ll get SO MUCH MORE done!
If you do these two things and grab the list of blog post ideas, you’ll never wonder “What should I blog about?” again! 🙂
Sandy says
Hi Lena,
I am so happy I came across this post! I immediately pulled out my planner and began to plan out my content for the next couple months. Love the blog posts ideas and how creative some are.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Lena Gott says
Yay! I love having a plan to follow.