There are soooo many things that go into having a successful blog. When you’re beginning, it feels like the whole world is against you, conspiring to rob you of all your free time and sleep. I get it. I’ve been there. Writing and creating images into the wee hours of the night hoping to catch a break. Not sure what to do first or next or last because the to-do list seems unbelievably long and confusing. I want to help you figure out how to get traffic without banging your head against your keyboard! I’m going to assume that you don’t want to spend money until you make some Keep Reading
5 Days of Simple Tasks to Increase Your Blog Traffic & Income!
Hey ya'll! I've been rather quiet lately because I've been working on something really important in the background. I'm happy to say it's finally here!! I'd like to introduce to you a brand new {FREE} 5-day mini challenge designed to help you grow your blog traffic and monetization! This challenge is made up of bite-sized tasks and ideas you can implement in about 15 minutes a day that really make a big difference to your bottom line. Whether you are trying to grow your income, qualify for MediaVine, attract more customers to your products, or sell more in Keep Reading
How to Increase Your Blog Traffic Using Content You Already Have ~ Free Traffic Guide
Hey! I'm so glad you're here! There's something I want you to see. If you've been around my blog for a while, you know I have a blog traffic guide called Traffic Transformation, which is the story of how I went from 17K to 400K+ page views in 10 months. The guide is $79, but did you know you can get a complimentary guide for free?! Not everyone knows about this because it's honestly kind of hard to find buried on my other site, Adventures in Blogging, so I wanted to make sure you saw it. If you go to the Traffic Transformation landing page, you'll see a button Keep Reading
Blog Traffic Bonus Guide: 3 Ways to Get a Lot More Page Views!
Welcome, blogging friend! Today I have something special to share with you. As you may or may not know, I spent a lot of time in the past couple years figuring out how to get traffic to my blog. In 2015, I increased my page views from 17K to over 400K per month in just 10 months and detailed that entire journey in my guide, Traffic Transformation. I still boost my page views using the same strategies. I've sold over 2,000 copies of my guide to date, and I feel like it's time to give it an update. Bonus Blog Traffic Strategies! As I was going through my blog Keep Reading
Blog Traffic Tip #3: Lists Posts Seven Different Ways
List posts are all the rage these days. I love reading lists. I have about 25 different notepads just for taking lists (and I'm probably under exaggerating this!). People like to read list posts because they are like information wrapped in a neat little package. If I know I can browse a list of 100 blog topic ideas to get my creative juices flowing, I'm all over that. If I know I can go to a website that recommends the top 5 plugins I need to run my blog properly, I'd be all over that. If I am decorating my house and want inspiration from 25 different interiors decorated in my favorite Keep Reading
Blog Traffic Tip #2: Give the People What They Want
As I mentioned in Blog Traffic Tip #1, I am sharing bits and pieces of my blog traffic strategy with you guys because I am writing an ebook on How I Went from 17k to 350k+ Monthly Page Views in 9 Months (UPDATE! the ebook is here!!!), and I keep thinking of more and more tips to share. So instead of making this into the longest ebook that never ends, I'm calling it a day and putting my other tips on the blog for everyone to see. Since I first started writing my blog traffic ebook, my monthly blog traffic has shot up to 375,000 420,000! It's been 10 months since I decided to focus on page Keep Reading
Blog Traffic Tip #1: A Simple Way to Increase Page Views
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by WhatMommyDoes. As many of you know, I am writing an ebook called How I Went from 17k to 160k Monthly Page Views in 5 Months. I keep getting to a good stopping point on my draft only to remember more strategies that I use to add page views to my blog. My strategies are constantly evolving because my blog is consistently growing and I'm finding new ways to increase traffic as I go along. In fact, since I came up with that ebook title, my monthly traffic has shot up to 229,000, 300,000, 315,000, 350,000! I started working each additional tip into the ebook, Keep Reading