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As many of you know, I am writing an ebook called How I Went from 17k to 160k Monthly Page Views in 5 Months. I keep getting to a good stopping point on my draft only to remember more strategies that I use to add page views to my blog. My strategies are constantly evolving because my blog is consistently growing and I’m finding new ways to increase traffic as I go along. In fact, since I came up with that ebook title, my monthly traffic has shot up to 229,000, 300,000, 315,000, 350,000!
I started working each additional tip into the ebook, but I’m finding that this is turning into the book that never ends!! 🙂
So instead of trying to cram ALL of my traffic generation tips into a single ebook, I’m calling it a day on the book itself and publishing blog posts to detail the rest of the strategies.
Here’s my first tip!
A Simple Way to Increase Your Blog’s Page Views
Part of what helped me increase my page views so quickly in a matter of months was a change in strategy. Instead of writing about whatever suited my fancy, I decided to be more intentional about the content I published.
Other bloggers (especially bigger bloggers) are hungry for content to share. Content to share on Facebook, content to share on their blogs. They have large readerships interested in reading new content each day, and they are good at delivering that content in various formats (pins, Facebook posts, in their newsletters, etc).
I noticed in various Facebook roundup groups, that other bloggers liked to request seasonal content (i.e. content relating to an upcoming holiday or event) about 6 weeks in advance (sometimes 2 months ahead). The requests are usually along the lines of recipes (think: Halloween candy) or tips & tricks (think: vinegar cleaning hacks). Sometimes the requests come through groups dedicated to roundups and other times you will see the requests in broader networking groups.
While some requests aren’t predictable (like the vinegar example), many are.
Creating Content Other Bloggers Want to Share
How do you get other bloggers to share your content?
It starts with creating content that would ultimately be a great fit for potential roundup requests. When you do this, you’ll be ready to share your links when bloggers post content requests. You can also start looking at some of your older content through that lens.
Here are some examples that I’ve been able to share multiple times (I LOVE when I can write once, and share that one piece of content all over!):
- Bursting Blossoms Coloring Page (featured on a couple of coloring page roundups)
- Five Words That Will Save You Thousands (picked up by Rockstar Finance, Lifehacker, and Wisebread)
- First Day of School Questionnaire
- How to Triple Stack Coupons
My examples are printables & money saving tips, but I’ve seen many bloggers do this with recipes, crafts, fitness tips, and organization ideas as well. Really anything that’s an original idea is a potential candidate.
How It Works
As I see requests come through on networking or roundup Facebook groups, I respond with my links and over time the referral traffic starts coming in if the blogger chooses to include you. Some mentions bring a few page views here and there, but others can bring in dozens per day every day when a blogger features you and their post gets lots of repins or consistent search engine traffic.
If you can get more than one blogger to feature you, that’s icing on the cake!!
How Do You Find Groups to Share Your Posts?
Facebook is the easiest place to do this. If you have other networking groups, go for it. But it’s easy for me to keep up with multiple groups on Facebook.
To find roundup groups, just do a search for “roundups” on Facebook. One of my favorites is Bloggers Sharing Links for Roundups and another is Roundupalooza. But there are tons, so don’t just end there. One of my goals for the next month is to find a few more because I’m working on holiday recipes that I think I’ll be able to share quite a bit.
Finding networking groups takes a bit more time because you don’t just want to jump into random groups. It’s best to find networking groups where you have something in common with the other bloggers. As you network within the group, you’ll come across opportunities to share links. For me, I find that my group of like-minded financial bloggers and stay-at-home-mom groups on Facebook are great places to respond to requests because their blogs are similar to mine. Whatever your niche is, find a few groups and become involved. The best part about networking with other bloggers is you can always ask if they can recommend groups for you to join. 🙂 Once you’re in a few groups, Facebook will start recommending similar groups to you – one time when Facebook’s targeting capabilities come in handy! LOL
Bonus Tip: When you have time, you can also strategically promote your best posts on link parties. I don’t recommend participating in tons of link parties as a major traffic generator (your time is better spent elsewhere), but if you can get a big blogger to feature you, that can drive immediate traffic and possibly a lasting trickle of visitors as well. I believe every little bit of steady traffic counts – it all goes into the pot! It’s well worth the few minutes it takes to offer up your links when you see the opportunity.
The Key to Making This Strategy Work
The key to making this tactic work is you have to be a creator.
If you have an idea but don’t know how to create what you need, seek out someone to help you.
If you write roundup post after roundup post (a trap I fell into at one point), you’ll have a tough time getting other bloggers to feature you. They don’t need more roundups….they need content fill their OWN roundups and list posts.
What do you think you can write about or create that another blogger might be able to use 2-3 months from now? What can you feed the blogging juggernaut? 🙂
Announcing: My Blog Traffic Ebook
I am so excited to announce – I just put the final touches on an e-book for bloggers:
How I Went from 17K to 350K+ Monthly Page Views in 9 Months.
It launched the week before Christmas 2015, and sold 110 copies in less than one week! I couldn’t be more thrilled at the awesome feedback I’ve been getting on it. I started 2015 with around 10,000-15,000 monthly page views, worked 40 hours a week for a few months only to find that my traffic was stalling (and sometimes dipping) despite my hard work! I changed A LOT of things at that time, and this is my story of that journey. I’m now at 420,000 page views per month, and I’m using the same tips I share in this book.
Hop on over to read more about what you’ll find in this book and to get a glimpse into my journey (with traffic screenshots)!
Renee says
this is REALLY great advice!!! I’ve been doing link parties and not seen much traffic from there (although i’m not spending THAT much time on them either) – but definitely going to look into roundups and facebook groups. Great thinking!
Lena Gott says
Wonderful, Renee! I used to spend a lot of time participating in link parties but that’s not what really made my blog take off. Please check back in and let me know how it goes! 🙂
Kara says
I found this immensely helpful – thank you so much! When will your ebook be available – I am really looking forward to it!
Alyssa says
What plugin are you using that shows the don’t miss the latest section at the bottom of your posts?
Lena Gott says
Hi Alyssa! It’s actually a widget called Genesis Featured Posts placed after content.
Pie Rivera says
Hi Lena, glad I stumbled on this post at Pinterest. Love this awesome tip! I did my first round-up post in July and it was such a wonderful experience connecting with fellow food bloggers… Though I didn’t have 229k+ PV, I think I am on the right track. And I agree with what you said not to do round-ups from one to the next as I plan to do it quarterly or some sorts. Keep those PVs coming! Congrats 🙂
Lena Gott says
Glad you found my tips useful! I’ll be coming on over to check out your blog!