This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ebates for IZEA Worldwide. All opinions are 100% mine. When it comes to tax time we ALL hope for a refund. And if we’re lucky enough to get one, we are left with the big question = What do I do with it? Before I get into that I’d like to clear up one confusing point regarding tax refunds. I find a lot of people do not realize exactly what their refund is. Or think it is money the government is giving them. The most common way tax refunds occur is when you pay more taxes throughout the year through your Keep Reading
Must-Read Money Management Tips for New Moms
Before we had our first child 11 years ago, we were used to living on two really nice incomes. We both had professional jobs and no debt other than student loans and car payments, and we really had no commitments to anyone other than ourselves. We traveled wherever we wanted, ate out at restaurants often, and didn't really give much thought to saving or scrimping because we didn't feel the need to do so whatsoever. When we decided that I would be a stay-at-home-mom when our daughter was born, we were in for a super rude awakening! I went on a long journey of figuring out the money rules of Keep Reading
How to Shop Responsibly & Save Money at the Same Time
By night, you can usually find me blogging. It’s the only time where I can fully focus on blogging tasks. But by day, you can find me doing many other things that matter to me. Mostly it is taking care of my 3 little ones, but about 10-15 hours per week you can also find me serving as president of a local non-profit that sends food home with underprivileged children. I honestly don’t have a lot of free time for anything other than taking care of my children and running our household, but blogging is an outlet for me and I LOVE giving back. Helping others figure out how to do the same, Keep Reading