Before we had our first child 11 years ago, we were used to living on two really nice incomes. We both had professional jobs and no debt other than student loans and car payments, and we really had no commitments to anyone other than ourselves. We traveled wherever we wanted, ate out at restaurants often, and didn’t really give much thought to saving or scrimping because we didn’t feel the need to do so whatsoever.
When we decided that I would be a stay-at-home-mom when our daughter was born, we were in for a super rude awakening! I went on a long journey of figuring out the money rules of our new life. Lots of worry about how we were going to afford a baby on top of everything else. We didn’t realize just how much our life was going to change in every way, including finances!
There are so many things a new mom needs to know about family finances, and over the years I’ve tried to write about those lessons on the blog. Whether you need to know about saving money or making money from home, I’ve got you covered.
My blog can help you navigate this tricky landscape of affording baby expenses, experiencing higher insurance costs for a family, living on less money (if you went from two incomes to one), saving for your family’s future, and even figuring out ways to make extra money when you need it.
I don’t want to overwhelm you all at once with so much information you couldn’t possibly process it, so I’m going to start with some of my favorite, basic pieces of financial advice for new moms. These are all things I wish someone had told me about when I became a new mom, so I didn’t have to figure it out the hard way. But, heh, if I had to figure it out the hard way, I probably wouldn’t feel compelled to share this knowledge with you, so I guess everything happens for a reason! 🙂
Money Management Tips for New Moms
I have written a lot of articles on this subject over the years. These are my favorites for narrowing down on expenses and prioritizing your expenses.
- Single Income Family Tips for SAHMs
- The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Finances
- New Baby Tax Deductions, Credits & Exemptions – Tax Info for Parents
- Coupon Tips for Beginners
- Living on One Income – Tips & Inspiration from Real People
- 26 Week/ Extra $1,000 by Christmas Savings Plan- Start with $26, End with $1,000 To Buys Christmas Gifts
- How to Create a Budget
- How to Save Money on Food – 8 Ways to Make Family Meals Less Expensive
- 10 Weird Ways To Make Extra Money To Pay For Christmas Presents
- Easiest Way to Get Everything at A Discount
- 3 Tips for Sticking to A Budget While Eating Healthy
Get Started Before Baby Arrives
If you are about to have a baby or just planning on one, then my best advice to you would be to NOT PROCRASTINATE on getting your finances in order.
Nine months seems like a long time, but it flies past and next thing you know, the baby is in your arms and all your spare time is gone. It takes time to get into the swing of things and make these money saving tips into your new way of life.
You’re going to have enough on your plate with a newborn. Don’t let money issues encroach on your new mom bliss 🙂
Get Rich Brothers says
Thank you for this post. So much in life changes after the little ones come along and they grow up so fast! Please continue sharing your journey and I’ll be sure to keep stopping by to read.
Take care!
– Ryan
Centsai says
Baby’s are such a blessing in life but boy do those little ones come with a big price tag! Thanks for sharing all these helpful articles for all the new moms out there!
Courtney Cunat Spencer says
The cost of a little one was SO scary to my Hub’s…. we got a good “baby fund” going before even trying! Now we are on to fertility treatments and are so happy we have a good budget for baby (or babies!) already in place.
Janet Stelly says
These are great ways to save. I did not realize how much we spent eating out until I stopped to calculate it! Thanks