We took a poll in the house recently, and the kids have spoken. More game nights are happening!
We always have a great time on game nights, and we’re going to start doing them on Thursdays or Fridays because those are evenings when the kids don’t have activities or any homework. I’m so excited to get this tradition started.
Good Luck, Kids
They’re going to learn real fast that I really get into it. Maybe I shouldn’t be so competitive… but I can’t help it! I know they’re just children, but they asked for it. 😀 Besides, they all have same competitive streak that I do. They’re a group of mini-conquerors, and I couldn’t be more proud of them.
What to Play? What to Play?
That was the million dollar question.
We needed to find a game that the whole family could enjoy for our first official game night. We searched high and low and came across a few promising options, including Hedbandz™ Electronic. I think that fact that they could talk through the game instead of sitting silent and contemplating was a big part of the draw.
It’s hard for young ones to sit still for any amount of time. If you’ve ever played the original version of the game then you know how much fun it can be and impossible to keep from laughing.
I knew they were pretty excited about playing this game when I came home to this one afternoon:
They had left the game out on the coach ready for our game night! 😀 I though this was too cute, so obviously we broke out the game and started playing! We originally wanted to wait on daddy to get home, but we just couldn’t help ourselves!
I think the packaging is pretty cool – this is how you store the cards:
How to Play Hedbanz™ with Younger Kids
Hedbanz™ Electronic is a fast-paced, team-based electronic version of the quick-question game of “What Am I?”
The concept of the game is simple yet fun. You wear a “hedband” on your head and, without looking at the picture card, you place the card with a clue on it facing your teammate (so you can’t see it). Your teammate(s) give you hints OR you ask questions about the clue (depending on the game mode), and your job as the “hedband” wearer is to correctly guess the clue using questions like “Am I a vegetable” or “Am I food?”
There are two modes of play depending on who wants to play:
Step 1 – set up a popcorn buffet…..oh wait – that’s our thing! lol. The girls ALWAYS set up an official looking spread to kick off our game nights. I kind of love it.
Now for the real modes of play:
In the more advanced version, called Team Party, you use the game unit to keep the players on track by timing rounds, and to make it more difficult the game will surprise you with one of three Game Modes to play:
- Ask it (ask a series of YES/NO type questions OR use the Question Cards)
- Describe it (using any words except the answer)
- Do it (charades, no words)
The Team Party way of playing is pretty exciting! The sped up tempo of playing this way can make for a really fun time! But for my kids, it’s a tad bit advanced because they’re 9 and almost 7, so we went with the classic, easier way to play.
In Classic Play, you don’t use Question Cards and you don’t have the pressure of switching among game modes. It’s a simpler, ask and answer then see who can get the most correct in 60 seconds. This was perfect for our family!
The game is rated for ages 7+, but my youngest is only 4 and it was easy to customize the rules a bit to make it easy for him to join in on the fun. Sometimes we play with him and sometimes without him if the girls want to have a real battle of wits!
I like the way the kids adapt as the game continues. At first they were tentative and didn’t go full out on asking questions, but by the end of it, they were getting inventive. It’s nice when a game can inspire creativity while having a lot of fun.
When daddy came home, we set the game up all over again and played with him! One girl + one of us on either team. We had an absolute blast.
Get Your Own Hedbanz™ Game
I’ve written before about how much I love Amazon. I pretty much get all of my presents there. We have such a busy schedule that browsing the app for a few minutes and simple swiping to order my gifts is my shopping mode of choice this year! You can buy Hedbanz™ Electronic on Amazon here >>
Hedbanz™ Electronic is a perfect game for almost any child. It’s rated ages 7 and up so it’s a pretty safe choice for any second grade child or older. (And I can promise it’s fun for adults, too!). 🙂
I hope you have a little fun and inspire those young minds with this engaging and highly entertaining game sometime soon!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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