A charcuterie board is the perfect way to add a personal and delicious touch to any birthday party. Charcuteries have expanded from the typical meat-and-cheese platters to imaginative, colorful, and tasty boards that will take any birthday party to the next level. I've been to birthday parties where an entire table was dedicated to charcuterie, and I've been to others where there is a simpler colorful platters with meats, cheese, and berries. I have never met a charcuterie board I didn't like! :) If you love them as much as I do, you have come to the right Keep Reading
21 Family Beach Vacation Photo Ideas
As moms, we’re always looking for great places to take pictures of our kids. My favorite place to get pictures is at the beach. On our annual beach trips, my goal is to always get at least 2 or 3 excellent shots of the kids enjoying the sand or water plus a bunch other pictures to round out our photo album. After 8 years of beach excursions with my children, I’ve collected quite a few lovely photos. I thought it would be nice to compile them into an inspirational post so other moms can get ideas for their own photo collections. Following are some of my best tips for Keep Reading
Free Printable Four Leaf Clover Templates
I don’t know why I get so excited when I have a new printable to share on the blog. I just love holidays – and anytime I can publish something super useful for an upcoming holiday, it makes me happy. Today I’m focusing on St. Patrick’s Day. I’ve created a few different sets of four leaf clover templates you can print out and use for all sorts of St. Patrick’s Day projects and shamrock themed crafts. Free Printable Four Leaf Clover Patterns My sister and I have an ongoing joke. Ever since we were little, I always had the hardest time finding four leaf Keep Reading
Free Printable Valentine’s Day Card to Color – Heart Pattern
I'm pretty frugal. I don't like paying for something that I can make myself. I especially don't like paying for something that would be more meaningful if I made it myself! Enter: Printable Homemade Valentine's Day Cards For Mother's Day last year, I forgot to get my mom, mother-in-law, and Nana Mother's Day cards in time to mail them for receipt on Mother's Day. So I quickly created a set of printable heart patterned fold-in-half cards for the kids to color. We printed them out, colored them, and put them in the mail just in the nick of time! I realized later that Keep Reading
Printable Camping Trip Checklist – Essentials to Pack for the Weekend!
We're gearing up to go on our annual camping trip in a few weeks, and I am putting together our camping essentials packing list. Ever since I started posting about camping as a family, I've gotten this question - "What exactly do you need to take camping?!" I've had several requests for a printable PDF camping checklist. Ya'll know I love me a good checklist!!! So I thought I'd sit down and type out all the things we take on our camping trips. The list was longer than I expected. I guess I just pack a lot of this stuff out of habit, but seeing it all written down in one place Keep Reading
7 Things You Shouldn’t Forget to Pack When Camping WITH KIDS
Camping is one of our favorite things to do as a family. I get so many questions from other moms about how in the world you can make staying outside with your kids an actual fun experience. My answer to them – go prepared for comfort, but don’t worry about traditional “activities” like you might have at home. In essence, the key to having a good time camping as a family is to make sure everyone is happy, dry, and well fed. You don’t need to make a lot of plans if you cover those bases. I love having no plans. It’s a time to truly unwind and just enjoy the God’s creation in Keep Reading
Easy Campfire Nachos – The Perfect Camping Recipe!
Anyone who knows me knows that camping is one of my all time favorite things to do in this world. We used to go camping all the time with good friends of ours every May. We'd meet up at a mutually convenient campground - 45 minutes away for us, 1 hour away for them - and set up camp for a long weekend. We'd usually stay Thursday night thru Sunday morning. We took our oldest camping when she was 6 months old... We set up a portable crib beside our bed in the tent, and we were all snug as bugs! Then we went when she was 1.5 Keep Reading
Extra Large Rainbow Templates with Clouds {Blank – Ready to Color!}
I love rainbows. I love everything about them! I love the weather that produces rainbows, and I love anything that's rainbow colored! I've passed this love of rainbows onto my children, and they are constantly asking me to do rainbow crafts. I created an extra large rainbow printable for use in all sorts of crafts. This outline prints out on a full sheet of paper. It's perfect for anytime you need a large template or cut out for a craft project. You can use this for tracing, stenciling, cutting out or coloring (I'm getting this set of watercolors for this), and Keep Reading
The Most Delicious Snow Ice Cream Recipe You MUST TRY!
With Snowmaggedon upon us, I'm seeing all kinds of people post about making Snow Ice Cream on Facebook. Even though I grew up where we got tons of snow, I had somehow never even heard of snow cream until last week! Since snow is rare where we live now, I figured I better take the opportunity to see what all the fuss is about before the snow melts! I'm so glad I did... Snow Cream is DEEEEEELICIOUS!!! I reviewed tons of recipes before making mine, and I ended up combining several to get the consistency of what I consider perfect, delicious snow cream. All three kids Keep Reading
Tall & Pointy Heart Outlines {Free Printable}
In keeping with adding to my heart collection on WhatMommyDoes, this year I'm adding a new format! I'm partial to the more puffy looking rounded hearts like these super size heart templates, but sometimes you need a different style. Depending on what project you're working on, you might need a taller or pointier looking heart, so that's what I have for you today - TALL HEART OUTLINES! These files print out on a single sheet of paper, landscape format. There are 3 different sizes based on your needs. To grab any of these heart cutouts, click on the links or Keep Reading
Simple Flower Coloring Page {Easy for Kids!}
My kids love coloring pages. Like more than life itself. For our summer vacation, I'm making some cute coloring pages for them (and the blog!). These flowers are perfect for little ones to color - simple as they come! If you like these sheets, then make sure to bookmark this page to come back every once in a while because I plan on adding more designs over time. ALSO, if your kids are like mine and just can't get enough of coloring pages, I have several more kinds on the blog: RAINBOW COLORING PAGES BURSTING BLOSSOMS (PAGE FULL OF FLOWERS) TO Keep Reading
The Best Drone for Little Kids
If you are looking for a cool drone for your little boy or girl, ages 4 through 9, then I have just the thing for you! A lot of people ask me to recommend toys to buy for their grandson or nephew - it can be hard to know what to get when you don't see them all the time! So I am helping you out with this - Last year my 7-year-old son received this drone for Christmas and he LOVED it! Even a 5 or 6 year old can use it because it's so simple to operate. It's an indoor drone for beginners and doesn't even require a controller to operate. It's Keep Reading
10 Cool Craft Projects for Kids {Easy & Fun Things to Make at Home!}
I find that anytime the kids are at home with me for extended periods of time, I am dying for some cool craft projects for them to do so they're not bored. I'm not the most "plan in advance" type of mom, but at the very least I like to think I know how to put together an easy craft station from time to time! LOL Even though my kids are 12, 9, and 7, they still love doing simple crafts with supplies we have on hand. 10 Creative & Fun Kids Craft Projects If you're looking for creative arts & crafts ideas for your kids to do on break Keep Reading
Camping gear you need if you REALLY want to be prepared!
We go camping pretty often as a family. In fact, I have started a whole series on this topic, which you can read about here: 10 Easy Camping Recipes You Can Cook Over the Fire and/or Make Ahead All the Essentials You Need on a Family Camping Trip Easy Way to Build a Campfire (video tutorial) FREE PRINTABLE Camping Packing Checklist What to do if you want a relaxing camping trip with kids Amazing Camping Nachos Recipes I thought it would cool to show everyone a handy list of the mandatory things you must take camping. I know a lot of people aren't sure what Keep Reading
Camping with Kids & Unplugging for a Weekend
It's been a few years since we went camping as a family. We used to go all the time and kind of stopped for a little while when all the kids were little. We used to camp all the time when our oldest two were babies & toddlers, but something about having three in 4.5 years puts you over the edge. We kinda stopped for a while! Now that our youngest is 5 years old, we feel prepared to start back up again. This month we went on a camping trip at a lake just down the road from our house, and it was lovely. We chose a weekend when there were scattered thunderstorms Keep Reading