Buying gifts for kids can often feel like a crapshoot. Will they like it? Will they use it? Will their parents lose their minds having it in their home? I used to waste a lot of money on gifts that looked fun but ultimately were discarded after one or two weeks. Not anymore! Consumable gifts are a game changer. These items will be used up and never go to waste. Consumable Gifts For Kids That They Will Love You'll find the used up remnants of these gifts as they blow through them having a great time and enjoying every Keep Reading
30 Non-Toy Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids
When I wrote about giving away most of my kids’ toys before Christmas, I bet I made a lot of people wonder if I would be giving them replacement toys for Christmas. Here’s the thing – I never want to get back into that spot where I felt like I needed to throw away all their toys again! We still plan on giving them Christmas presents….with a little twist. WHAT CAN YOU GIVE INSTEAD OF TOYS? There are so many options for gifts to give that aren’t toys! Once I sat down and started thinking about it, I came up with 30 non-toy gift ideas for kids very Keep Reading
50+ Fun Family Christmas Gift Ideas for Every Budget
Every October / November, I find myself scratching my head over whether or not I should buy certain people gifts. I LOVE giving gifts, but sometimes the overwhelming nature of the holiday season gets to me... ....and I kinda panic. I like to get my closest neighbors a small gift of some kind that they can enjoy as a family. I also like to get my extended family (like my cousin's family) something that the entire family can use. That way I am not trying to buy a small gift for every person and can actually give them something they will all enjoy Keep Reading
Beautiful Mother’s Day Gifts You Can Buy on Etsy
If you're like me, sometimes you like to make a gift yourself and sometimes you'd rather just buy one. Mother's Day is no exception! I wrote previously about these really pretty DIY Mother's Day gift baskets you can make. Now I figured I'd share some of my recommendations on gift baskets and other items you can buy for a Mother's Day gift! Beautiful Mother's Day Gifts You Can Buy on Etsy Etsy is my go-to shop for cute gifts, especially when I need something personalized. I love being able to support small businesses while also giving a Keep Reading
13+ Amazing Boy Mom Gift Ideas (Useful, Cute & Helpful Things!)
Being a mother of boys is much like being a mother of dragons. Both require putting out fires. This work can be exhausting, and the activities can be numerous! Oftentimes the boy mom is wading through a sea of blue and zipping to and from sports, school and emergency / non-emergency doctor appointments. When shopping for a mother of boys, look for something she enjoys, makes her feel girly, or something she will get a kick out of. Here is a look at some gifts that will help a boy mom or just give a bit of a break! First Up.... Some Super Keep Reading
27+ Easy to Make DIY Dollar Tree Christmas Gifts
Christmas doesn’t need to break the bank; make thoughtful, inexpensive offerings with these DIY Dollar Tree Christmas gifts! Discover 27 quick and easy projects that will make perfect presents for everyone on your Christmas list this holiday season. The Christmas season is no joke – with dinners, decorating, and a never-ending gift list, holiday expenses seem to skyrocket every year. Want to know the secret retailers try to hide? Christmas doesn’t need to be bought! You can make amazing, handmade gifts that are more magical than anything you could ever Keep Reading
27+ Cute and Easy Sewing Projects for Gifts
Put your creative talents to good use with these 27 easy sewing projects that you can gift for any occasion. Whether you’re a sewing aficionado or a total beginner, there is a cute sewing project on this list for you to try! The perfect gifts are rarely bought. If you’re looking to handmake a gift, no matter the occasion, why not take your sewing machine for a spin? I have compiled 27+ cute and easy sewing projects for fantastic gifts (for every recipient!). With these sewing projects, you don’t need to be a master sewer; they’re accessible no matter your level Keep Reading
15+ Awesome & Creative Themes for Your Next Gift Exchange
If you want to organize a gift exchange, themes can help bring this activity to new heights! Explore 15 creative themed gift exchange ideas to add fun to your festivities. Discover themes, gift ideas, and more. While most people consider it a holiday event, you can actually plan a themed gift exchange for exciting gift-giving any time of the year. Gift exchange themes encourage guests to get creative with their gift choices and, in turn, have more fun participating! Plus, they're a great way to give awesome, personalized gifts in large groups or Keep Reading
37+ Easy Christmas Gifts for Your Favorite Neighbors
Be the best neighbor on your block with these 37 easy gifts for your favorite neighbors. Whether you’re welcoming a new neighbor to the street or just spreading a bit of holiday cheer, I have gift ideas for you! Christmas time is the season of giving back. So why not give back to your favorite neighbors with some easy, festive goodies? This is your chance to show your block some appreciation for all of their neighborly duties. These gifts go out to the neighbors that take out our garbage cans when it’s raining, who water our plants when we’re on Keep Reading
47 Amazing Shopkin Gift Ideas for the Shopkins Lover in Your Life
Everyone has a little girl (or boy) in their life who is absolutely head over heels with Shopkins. Try as I may, I don't get it - I never thought this day would come, but I think I'm too old to understand! :D What I do know is that my little girl (6.5) LOVE LOVE LOVES Shopkins! She could play with them day in and day out. We have so many given to her as gifts, and last year our neighbor moved and gave her a humongous box full of Shopkins that her daughter had outgrown. My daughter is in Shopkin heaven right now. And she's asking for more for Christmas! lol Keep Reading
Cool Subscription Gifts for Kids
One gift trend that I have had great success with is subscription gifts. I have purchased these for my nieces and nephews. I have purchased these for my mother and father. Kids of all ages love getting mail! From toddlers to college aged "kids", monthly boxes are always a welcome present. My children have received snacks from different countries every month in the past. Now sometimes these flavor offerings were a miss, but some of them were fought over! Usually the boxes come with interesting information about what is inside and creates a fun and Keep Reading
Best Gifts for Older Kids
Choosing the right toy for a kid seems like an eternal struggle for person. It doesn't matter if it's your child, a friend or family members, or a random child in your kid's grade school class. Finding the right gift can often leave us feeling confused and frustrated. With little kids you can get away with more generic ideas. Nearly any toy will do when they are young enough. As children get older, their tastes get more specialized. Older kids have clothing brand preferences, video games they love, sports they play, and activities that they want accessories Keep Reading
Big Gift Ideas for Kids
Big gifts are a part of our reality. Christmas and Hanukah or other present holidays are the most common times a large gift is given, but other special milestones such as landmark birthdays, Quinceaneras, 16th birthdays, special occasions and graduations warrant a larger gift. Luckily, you don’t have to pay for all the big, epic gifts! Maybe you are going in with family for them or maybe you are just supplying the ideas to the best grandparent in the world! Large gifts for kids must be age and interest appropriate. Whether you are buying the gift Keep Reading
Gift Ideas For Stay At Home Moms
Stay at home moms do some of the heaviest and stinkiest lifting in the households. But they are people too! They have birthdays, anniversaries, milestones, and Mother’s Day to receive tokens of our gratitude that doesn’t begin to cover their sacrifices. Shopping for stay-at-home moms can seem super easy, however, the trick is for it to make them feel special and appreciated. What To Get a Mom Who Stays at Home Imagine you get recruited for a management job... You can never leave the office. There are no off hours. You don't get vacation days. And Keep Reading
21+ DIY Christmas Gift Basket Ideas
Christmas gift baskets are the perfect way to celebrate the most wonderful time of year! Dig into these 21 festive Christmas gift basket ideas that you can sell to make some extra money this holiday season. The holidays are expensive. With gift-giving, Christmas dinners, and winter trips, it's easy to go over budget. If you’re looking to make some extra money this holiday season, look no further than these 21 Christmas gift baskets that you can sell. DIY Christmas Gift Basket Ideas To Give As Gifts Or To Make For Profit These Christmas gift baskets are Keep Reading
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