Today my kids turned up their noses at the yummy lunch I made for them – one of their favorites! Chili with baked potatoes.
Those little stinkers are sometimes so tough to please. I don’t normally make food in funny shapes for them, but tonight I decided to make something easy (since my husband is out of town) and totally fun to match the upcoming Halloween holiday.
They thought it was the best thing! Give it a try – I bet your crew will like it, too. 🙂
Spider Web Pizza
No sorcery is required to put together this pizza. I used store-bought pizza crust, deli American cheese slices, and leftover marinara from the other night.
But you could just as easily use pitta pockets or naan for the base, any kind of cheese slices or even string cheese for the “web,” and a jar of pizza sauce.
I added the olive “spiders” on mine for added effect, but let’s face it – they didn’t actually get eaten.
One battle at at time, right?!
Shannon says
Thanks for letting me feature this in my Halloween roundup going live later today!