I have been hunting FOREVER – like literally 20 million years – for a good scent diffuser for my home.
When I was a little girl, we didn’t have anything good smelling in our house.
My family was as frugal as frugal comes, and essential oil diffusers were not high on top of the list of things to buy.
I would go to friends’ homes and marvel at these wonderful smelling devices that released fragrance in the air. 😊
I vowed that I would one day make my home smell amazing despite how unpractical it was to spend hard-earned money on this luxury. Hehe.
**Don’t tell my mom – she would flip if she knew that I spent a single dollar on something as frivolous as a essential oil scent diffuser. HA!
She doesn’t know how to use a computer, so I’ll know you told her if she mentions this post!**
Ok so no really – she thinks I’m crazy for buying diffusers and other scent delivery devices for my home, but I loveeeee them!
The Best Smelling Essential Oils Blend
I wrote about how I make my house smell really really close to the way my favorite spa in Salt Lake City smelled over in this post >> How to Make Your House Smell Like a Spa
If you’ve read that post, you know that I am in LOVE with this particular essential oils diffuser called the Archipelago Home Fragrance Diffuser in the Lavande blend.
It’s a blend of Lavender, Cyclamen Leaves, Cucumber and Patchouli that is straight from Heaven.
I kid you not!
It’s the best air freshener in the whole wide world and I have 4 of them in my home at the current moment. I love them that much!
Now, I have to warn you that it’s not the CHEAPEST diffuser out there (shhh don’t tell my mom, ya’ll!!) but it’s so worth it.
Each bottle lasts a really long time. Like an entire year, but I couldn’t tell you for sure yet because I actually spilled my original one in our move, so I don’t know how long it could have lasted.
All of my newer ones are a few months old and not even ¼ of the way gone, so I’d safely say they last at least a year EACH.
Because of this, the price is justified in my opinion, especially for the amazing scent benefits you get from it. The scent stays as strong as ever the entire time the bottle lasts.
**UPDATE: I’m here looking at this post 3 years after I wrote it and two of my original 4 bottles STILL have liquid in them. They really do last an incredibly long time, making the higher price worth it, IMO**
Click to Buy the Archipelago Home Fragrance Diffuser
The Best Smelling Essential Oils Blend for Your Living Room
Today I want to show you one place I have it in my home that I think makes a huge difference. That’s in my LIVING ROOM.
I have this diffuser sitting on my mantle right next to a lovely display of silk fuchsia flowers, near photos of my family and underneath the television. It goes well with my décor because it’s not super noticeable.
I’ve found that when I place one of these diffusers in a highly trafficked area, it really makes a difference. We all walk by this location of the house on a daily basis to get to the downstairs bathroom, and it smells so nice with this diffuser sitting there!
I’m really digging aromatherapy and lavender is hands down my favorite scent…on it’s own or in a blend like this!
One Tip to Get the Most Out of Your Diffuser
I find that the oil lasts a really long time, but after a while, the reeds can get kind of dried out near the top, especially when you set them near an air vent (which I like to do in order to have the scent distributed for me automatically).
One thing I do is occasionally FLIP the reeds in the diffuser so the soaked part is sticking out and the drier part gets submerged again.
This gives a boost of scent to the room and refreshes the reeds so the most scent is flowing up through them.
Just a little tip in case you don’t already do this!
If you get one of these lovely Archipelago diffusers, make sure to put one on your living room mantle and anywhere else people walk by, stand or sit near on a daily basis.
Soon enough you’ll have all kinds of people complimenting you on how lovely your home smells!
Other Essential Oils That Smell Good Together
I don’t claim to be an essential oils blending expert, but I do have several friends who are really into what oils mix well with others.
They know what mixes well with what. Just in case lavender isn’t your thing, I asked my friends what kinds of oils you can put together for an amazing smelling living room, and here’s what combinations they told me to try:
- Orange + Grapefruit + Bergamot
- Tea Tree + Eucalyptus
- Orange + Peppermint
- Ylang ylang + Jasmine
I have this diffuser and might give one or more of these essential oil combos a try….when I get tired of my go to diffuser scent that is! For now, I just use this diffuser in my bedroom at night and not downstairs.
Luxury Scented Home Shopping Guide
I’ve been doing a lot of research on ways to make your home smell nice, and I compiled a long list of LUXURY scented fragrances (essential oils diffusers, candles, etc) all into one place if you want more help finding other amazing scents!
Click here to see the Luxury Scented Home Shopping Guide >>
Other Ways to Make Your Home Smell Good
I love finding little ways to bring nice smelling scents into my home. I also love preventing them from showing up in the first place!
Here are some other clean scent hacks I’ve found that I thought you might like as well.
- DIY Shoe Powder to Make Your Shoe Stink Go Away
- Natural Ways to Make Your Bathroom Smell Good
- How to Clean Smelly Trash Cans!
Hannah says
I LOVE essential oils. I have a few diffusers in my home. Room sprays and most candles seem to bother my nose. I have discovered that my favorite essential oils are a brand called NOW. They are fairly cheap to a lot of other brands and they have some amazing blends.