Let’s face it. Becoming a mom means you have to give up a little bit of freedom. I wouldn’t trade my little boogers for the world, but sometimes I wish these pieces of the old me back.
Three silly little things I miss now that I have three kids:
1) Going to the mall….just to shop….for the sake of shopping. Is it too much to ask to be able to go to the mall for a leisurely afternoon of shopping and fun? Maybe I’d meet up with best friend, and we could have a leisurely lunch. Maybe we’d buy too many candles at Bath & Body Works, try on too many shoes at Belk, and waste time in The Gap. Agghh those were the days!….I don’t know how he’s done it, but I’m convinced my husband has somehow brainwashed me into feeling guilty for even thinking about going on a shopping trip! We went to the mall last weekend as a family, and it was soooo stressful. My 6-year-old didn’t want to be there, my 4-year-old peed in her panties
We went to the mall last weekend as a family, and it was soooo stressful. My 6-year-old didn’t want to be there, my 4-year-old peed in her panties on purpose, and my 2-year-old kept trying to run away. But on the other hand, if I had gone by myself, I would have been wondering how everyone was doing the entire time and felt guilty that I left my husband to fend for himself in a sea of little creatures. I don’t know how he did it, but well played, dude. Well played.
2) Reading an entire chapter of a book in one sitting during the day but NOT in the bathroom. I’m an avid reader. I usually have two or three books going at all times. But right now they’re all sitting on the back of various toilets around the house. Why? You know why! The bathroom is the last sacred ground for this mom of three. IF I set my children up with something I know will hold their attention for at least 15 minutes. And IF I also lock the door and turn on the fan in case they try to come in and bug me.
3) Blast the car radio when your favorite song comes on. Honestly, I think this is the thing I miss most. I never realized just how much I use music to relax…until I couldn’t use it to relax! It seems like EVERYONE has to tell me something super important during the full length of most car rides, especially when a good song comes on. But even if no one is talking when my jam is on, I can’t blast it anyway for other reasons. 🙂
Can you relate? What did I forget?
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This post is included in the Complete Guide for Stay-at-Home-Moms, a collaborative effort by over 50 mom bloggers
Lisa/SyncopatedMama says
Gosh, yes. I think the best is reading a book NOT at night and NOT in the bathroom…I guess those days will return, though, won’t they?
Lena Gott says
Yes, I’m sure they will! Now that my youngest is 2, I am getting a little bit more breathing room each day. Just today I was getting sad over the fact that he will only be at home with me for a couple more years before going off to school. It’s hard to be a mom at all stages, huh?
AmieJo says
I can’t remember the last time I went shopping for fun or even just for something for me.
Lena Gott says
Too true! I guess it comes with the territory. A family member just kidded with me that I shop all the time. I thought they were crazy until I realized they meant GROCERY shopping! LOL
Clare says
This is so true! I left my kiddos with my parents the other day and actually went into town and had a wander around the shops – I haven’t done that since before they were born, well not without them in tow anyway!
Lena Gott says
Glad to know I’m not the only one! My husband has been traveling a lot this week and then also went camping with my oldest last night for Indian Princess. He’s home now and I feel the need to run an errand away from the house, even though I don’t need anything, just so I can get out and think to myself! 🙂
Amy says
I can totally relate to #2. If my husband drives, I can read on long car trips. Other than that I have to find time to read in the early morning hours or right before bed. Good luck finding some moments to yourself! Cheers, Amy
Lena Gott says
That’s a good idea, Amy! I find myself spending our driving time catching up on emails. LOL Sad, I know.
Kristen says
God I miss shopping! ANd bubble baths….there are soooo many. Great post!
Michelle says
My friend has two young ones and does everything while they’re at school. It’s tough trying to find that me time.