You may remember in my March 2016 income report (the last one I published) where I shared my theory that it’s way easier to scale certain types of blog income even in periods of downward trending page views.
Well, I did a LOT of testing over the past 10 months and have found that YES, this is absolutely true! I’ve been on quite a ride testing many many theories related to income generation, and I’ve made some interesting discoveries.
You can earn more money with less traffic if you know what to do
What I found is that by focusing on selling products (for affiliates and my own products) and doing the things that MATTER when it comes to making money online, I can earn a LOT more from my blog from a lot less traffic! (and with a lot less effort to boot because more effective blog income strategies = more income for less work)
I never would have thought this was possible if I hadn’t seen it for myself. I am working on a big course to show you all my income strategies, but it’s proving to be quite the undertaking, and I’m itching to share some of my strategies with you so you can have some wins in the meantime.
These Strategies WORK
So, last week I put together an ebook that covers 7 of my favorite income-generating strategies. Not just any strategies…strategies that increase your income every single time you work on them.
These strategies have helped me scale my blog income from $6,000 in March 2016 to over $13,000 a month by the end of 2016 WITHOUT HAVING MORE PAGE VIEWS.
Yes, I’m serious! It sounds crazy, but I promise it’s not. If you’ve read my Blog Traffic Ebook, you know I’m all about giving practical advice with my own examples, so that’s what I’ve done in this ebook. I’m sharing what’s specifically worked for me so you can use it for your own blog.
Blog Income Boost: The Guide for Busy People with BIG Blog Goals
I’m calling it Blog Income Boost because that’s exactly what it’s meant to do – boost your income!
<< Click here to read more about BLOG INCOME BOOST >>
I’m not doing a major launch for this guide because I’m plugging away at the larger course AND making time for a fitness challenge, which doesn’t leave me as much work time as I used to have. But that’s ok! I don’t have any income goals tied to this guide…I just have a goal of helping as many bloggers as I can.
In a few weeks from now I will be officially “launching” it by opening up affiliate sales. Until then you can get the ebook at the pre-sale price of $27.
Click here to grab the guide for only $27. Feel free it share this deal with your friends – it’s not a secret!
I hope you are able to use these blog income strategies as I have to earn more money with your blog – those who have purchased it already are finding action items to implement right away.
What exactly is in the BLOG INCOME BOOST guide?
If you’re on the go, here’s a synopsis so you don’t even need to click over to the landing page to tell if this guide is for you!
- I’ll tell you what type of content is ALWAYS worth writing for the highest return
- The #1 thing you can do on Pinterest for immediate positive impact to your bottom line
- A strategy for sending qualified traffic to high converting content
- How to use your monthly income results to decide what to work on next
- The mindset shift you must go through to start making more sales on your blog
- How to create INCOME PATHWAYS so you can make money even if you don’t have a large email list
- How to get in your reader’s mind + serve them so you can make more money with LESS TRAFFIC
- Practical ways to improve conversion rates so you can make more money with FEWER EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS
Get all the details here >>>
If you’re not quite ready yet
Whether scaling your income sounds like a foreign concept OR you just don’t have the $27 (or $47 after the launch) to spend on a blogging ebook right now, I would still love for you to have the tool that goes along with this ebook – it’s my income tracking spreadsheet. This spreadsheet has been by my side ever since I was only making $400 per month from my blog, and I have used it, along with strategies in Blog Income Boost, to grow my income to over $13,000 per month at the end of 2016. Click here to request a copy! >> When you’re ready, I can help you grow the income that you track in this spreadsheet! 😀
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