A question I get from most people who just started their blog is "when will I start making money from this?" Or, "how much do people make blogging?" I want to answer their question, but oftentimes I don't know where to start because if they are asking about money from day one, then it indicates to me that their expectations are unrealistic. Before you can make money blogging, you must lay a solid foundation. Let's go over a few of the major things you should consider when your goal is to create a money making blog. Before you can make money blogging... In the early Keep Reading
10 Failproof Income Generating Blog Tasks (that take the guessing out of blogging)
I haven't written about blogging in a while, so I thought I'd come out of my blogging about blogging hibernation today and write something that's been weighing on me for a while. I think this is an important topic to talk about. My CPA background affords me a unique perspective on blogging. Sometimes I don't realize that what I do is different than the rest until someone points it out. I realized last year than I apparently have a unique system of determining what things I should be doing to generate income on my blog vs things I shouldn't be doing at Keep Reading
The key to increasing your blog income (hidden in middle school math!)
This post contains affiliate links. This post is making a special appearance on behalf of Elite Blog Academy, the most amazing comprehensive "grow your blog to the moon" course that only opens for enrollment once a year! Elite Blog Academy completely changed the way I blog. It's thousands of dollars worth of blogging knowledge wrapped up into a neat little package for a fraction of the price. Did I mention it's ONLY AVAILABLE once per year? This year the doors are open for for five days, beginning March 5th. That means that if you are ready to finally take your Keep Reading
7 Blog Income Strategies that Work 100% of the Time
You may remember in my March 2016 income report (the last one I published) where I shared my theory that it's way easier to scale certain types of blog income even in periods of downward trending page views. Well, I did a LOT of testing over the past 10 months and have found that YES, this is absolutely true! I've been on quite a ride testing many many theories related to income generation, and I've made some interesting discoveries. You can earn more money with less traffic if you know what to do What I found is that by focusing on selling products (for affiliates and my own Keep Reading
The Income Tracking Spreadsheet I Used to Grow My Blog Income from $400 to $13,000 a Month
In 2014, I started taking my blog seriously. In late spring 2015, I was starting to see a return on my efforts, and at around the point I was making $400 a month, I started using an Excel spreadsheet to track my progress. I have used it every month since then to make financial decisions related to my blog. It helps me figure out what to work on, determine what isn't working, whether or not I can afford to invest in a blogging course or hire help, and more. I couldn't have grown my blog to where it is today without this tool! This spreadsheet was instrumental in helping Keep Reading
Big Announcement! New E-book on Making Money Blogging!
I get so many questions about making money blogging that I wanted to create a super actionable guide to help everyone who wants to build a profitable business online. So I spent time writing all about the 7 PROVEN STRATEGIES YOU CAN USE TO INCREASE YOUR BLOG INCOME whenever you want to. It's meant to be put into action immediately and can really help when you're not sure what's working and what's not. It will help you decide what to do next and give you the reasoning behind each strategy. It's part practical tips and part mindset shift. I want to give you a Keep Reading
How I Plan to Double My Blogging Income to $16,000 per Month in One Year
Hi guys. You all know I don’t like fluff. In fact, I’m kind of allergic to it. That’s why I don’t take it lightly when I recommend a product or service to you. I am so excited because the best course I’ve taken all year long (and I’ve signed up for 12 of them!) is now available to the public. This course is the one I WISH I had written. It's seriously kicking my butt all over the place. It’s called Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing and it’s written by Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of Making Sense of Cents. This course is no joke SO good. Like I think I will be able to double my monthly Keep Reading
The key to increasing your blog income hidden in middle school math
This post contains affiliate links. This post is making a special appearance on behalf of the Genius Blogger's Toolkit, the most amazing value to come along in the blogging world in a long time! The Genius Blogger's Toolkit is $5,000 worth of blogging resources (ecourses, ebooks & more) for only $97 and it's ONLY AVAILABLE until TONIGHT at 11:59 p.m. Make sure to grab this bundle before it's gone. Oh and print out this post or otherwise save it, because after tonight it's going in the vault for use in a future course! :D I promise you won't regret this decision. And Keep Reading
The Key to Making Money Blogging – My Best Advice on Audio!
Lately, I've been receiving lots of emails from new bloggers asking me the loaded question - "How do I make money blogging?" I always get overwhelmed in trying to respond to this question in writing because it's not really something you can explain in a single email. Or even an entire book. Succeeding at blogging takes a lot of little bits and pieces of knowledge that I will hopefully address along the way in my Blogging Tips series, but there's always one thing that holds steady throughout your journey. Blogging has earned me more than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams, but Keep Reading