Today as I was thinking about Christmas time from my childhood, I reminisced about all the awesome toys we had back in the 80s.
Best Vintage 1980s Toy? Enter: The Lite Brite
There was nothing more I wanted than a Lite Brite.
I am pretty sure I begged my mom, grandmother, aunt, and anyone who would listen for one for at least 2 years before my dream came true. I played my Lite Brite ALL. THE. TIME. Then I saved up my money and bought refill pages whenever I could.
Fast forward 25 years, and I think it would be so cool to introduce the Lite Brite to my 7-year-old daughter. We are so much alike….since I loved it soooooo much, I know she will too. I’ll probably play with it as much as she does!
>>> Lite Brite <<<
And just like every other 80s kid, we had what seemed like millions of these all over the house!
Awesome 1980s Toys Your Kids Will Love
This got me thinking about all the other cool toys from my childhood that my kids might like. Here’s what I came up with. Remember these?!
I remember playing with my Simon on car trips. There were no iPods or even walkmans back then. It was either play a card game, write in my journal, or play with Simon.
I love the simple description: “Repeat an ever-increasing sequence of flashing lights and sounds.” So simple yet so fun!
Toys these days are so complicated and technological. What could be simpler than an old school Connect 4? It’s billed as “disc-droppin fun.” LOL If I didn’t know how awesome it was, I would think it was a joke! But I remember playing this for hours with my sister. Get 4 discs in a row and you win! 🙂
I almost fell out of my chair when I saw this Vintage Rainbow Brite doll. I used to have one…slept with her in my bed every night. Now? She costs $229!!! What?! Makes me wish I had taken better care of her and not let her sit in my mud kitchen outside.
Raspberry. Fruit Punch. Blueberry. Grape. Orange. Mint. I can smell those strong scents even today when I think about Mr. Sketch markers! These were so much fun and addictive! Are they safe? Who knows or cares?!
Still don’t think I would like Licorice. But that wouldn’t stop me from smelling it just to make sure. 🙂
>>> Mr. Sketch Scented Markers <<<
Other Rad Vintage 1980s Toys?
What did I miss? I’m sure there are tons more vintage 1980s toys to include on my list if I really thought hard.
What was the #1 toy you played with when you were little that you think your kids would like?
Update: I thought of a few more cool toys from the 1980s:
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