People ask me all the time, when I tell them that I make a living working as a blogger, that they don’t have what it takes to be a blogger.
I’ve heard this so many times lately that I feel compelled to write a post explaining what it takes to be a good blogger.
I think just about everybody has it in them to be a great blogger, but they don’t know where to start. Hopefully this will give you the confidence you need to take the plunge to start your own blog!
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Starting now, I have a special deal just for my readers – you can get a special price on web hosting (just $2.95 a month for a new blog!) to help you get an affordable jump start in the early days of your blog. Click here to read more after you’ve read this post! >>
- How to Start Your Own Blog on WordPress – The Step by Step Guide
- WhatMommyDoes Income Report Archives ($3,400 – $10,000)
- How to Choose a Blog Name You Won’t Regret
- What to do if the Blog Name You Want is Taken
Truly, I believe what makes someone good at blogging would also make that person great at most things in life. I think no matter if you want to be a food blogger, lifestyle blogger, fashion blogger, or even if you want to sell your crafts online from your own website, there are certain traits you must have in order to succeed. These are the first five that came to mind (mainly because they apply to me!) 🙂
Keep in mind this is written for the woman (or man!) who wants to start a MONEY MAKING BLOG. There are many other reasons to have your own presence online, but this is who this post is meant for….someone who wants to create a website that will earn them extra income over time.
1) You’re creative
The most successful bloggers out there are creative types. I don’t mean you have to be the “make arts and crafts or paint a picture” type of creative, I mean you must have an imagination. If you like thinking up new ideas or get excited about possibilities, you would be a good blogger.
2) You can work independently, without direction
No one tells you what to do on your blog. You get to determine everything from the blog name to the colors you use the types of posts you write. You must have the drive within yourself to do these things because nobody is going to make you. If you have that kind of self-direction, you could be a good blogger.
3) You prefer to be paid based on results
This is a big one to me. In fact, it’s probably the #1 reason I like blogging. I used to work in the corporate world where everyone had the same starting salary based on education & credentials, and everyone was lumped into pay grades. No matter how hard I worked or how well I performed, I was never going to get more than a 3% raise, and sometimes they found nitpicky reasons to make it 1% or 2% even though I did top-notch work. Blogging isn’t like that. Everyone starts in the same place – with no content and the world at their fingertips. And it’s up to you to decide how much money you are going to make. Best part is, once you figure out how to make money, every additional hour you put into your blog has the potential to ADD to your monthly income. So you can grow it however fast or big you want, depending on how hard and smart you work. Honestly, I think it’s the best game on the internet!
4) You’re a bit of an introvert
Let’s face it, I talk all day long on the blog, but I don’t actually have to talk to anyone face to face. I’m good at face-to-face and actually don’t mind speaking in front of groups, but it quickly burns me out and I have to retreat to rejuvenate. I learned recently that means I’m actually an introvert because alone time recharges me. If that sounds like you, blogging could be the perfect job for you. You get to interact with people whenever you want, but because you’re at home, you get to work in peace and take breaks whenever you need to. Sometimes I take off days at a time!
5) You desire a flexible work schedule
I can’t think of another job that’s more flexible than blogging. I get to work when I want, stop when I want, go on vacations when I want, and even work in bed/on the beach/at the park or anywhere! I love being outside, so that’s my idea of a luxurious work day….a nice sunny day, not too hot or too cold, where I can take my laptop and relax while working on something I love. I don’t have a boss breathing down my neck, and I don’t have to work any sort of traditional hours. I commonly work only from 8-9 a.m., again for a bit after the gym or when my toddler is napping, and again at night. I basically work here and there, fitting my job around my family, not the other way around. I just love it! Sometimes you just need a reason to get going on something. If a flexible schedule is something you crave, then that’s how I know you’ll be a good blogger…when we’re motivated enough, we always find a way of getting what we want!
Starting a Blog – Is It For You?
If you want to create the blog of your dreams, I think you need to do a little soul searching first. If you can’t see yourself in the list of traits above, that doesn’t mean you can’t make a go of blogging. It just means you need to make sure you have OTHER traits that lend themselves to being a successful blogger. Perhaps you’re really competitive and don’t like losing at anything you do. Perhaps you really really need a work schedule to accomodate special needs in your family. There are many reasons blogging is great for a particular person or family situation!
If you think blogging might be for you, there’s a low risk way to get started and build a blog from the ground up. The first thing you’ll need is web hosting. For this, I recommend Bluehost. It’s cheap to start a blog with them and will get you far enough until you need a heavier hosting plan to handle lots of blog traffic. I’ve explained exactly how to start a blog with them in this tutorial.
> Click here to learn about starting a blog <<
If you’re strapped for time? I’ll email my blog startup checklist to you!
If you would like to use my tutorial to start your blog but don’t have time right at the moment (or maybe you’re at work and can’t walk through this tutorial right now), you can get a free copy of my tutorial emailed to you by signing up for my Start a Blog Newsletter. This is an especially good option if you’re viewing this page on mobile right now. Just sign up below using your name & email address, and once you confirm the email newsletter subscription, you will automatically receive a download link for the PDF checklist via email.
But if you’re ready to get started now, skip this part & go straight to the tutorial here>>
How I Would Create a Blog if I Had to Do It All Over Again
There are certain things I would do differently if I had to start all over again. I wrote about them in the post below. I don’t think making a blog has to be difficult – I took the long road, but I hope you can learn from my mistakes and adventures and make the process a little easier on yourself! This is the advice I gave my best friend when she decided to start her blog last year!
Good luck with your new blog! And don’t be a stranger – make sure to come back and check in with me occasionally to let me know how it’s going! 🙂
Jessica says
I’m like 4 outta 5 on this. 😉 I started my blog in December, but changed hosts, got rid of some content, and have been slow-going since the beginning of the year–I only have 2 posts published right now! (But like 5 drafts that I need to finish/edit.)
My goal was 3 posts per week, but I’m having a hard time finding time when I am a) awake enough to work, and b) without a toddler crawling on me, or my other 2 vying for my attention. How do you stay up so late without crashing?!
I think I’m also over complicating the content. You are so good at sweet, simple, and valuable! I think I need to get out of my own way.
I am so enjoying watching your success with this blog. 🙂
Lena Gott says
Thank you so much, Jessica! How old are your children? By the sounds of it, they are very little. Even if they aren’t I would say don’t stress about it at all. It took me FIVE YEARS (yes 5….man that sounds crazy when I say it) to build up to 400 posts. And that included taking off chunks of time (6 months at a time even) to focus on my family. Sometimes blogging just wasn’t gonna happen! 🙂 At one point I almost quit altogether because I had what seemed like negative time. LOL I’m glad I stuck it out because now that my kids are getting more independent, I finally have time for some things that are all about me, like blogging! 🙂 I just checked out your baby wipes post – I think it’s wonderful!
I think it takes a long time to find your voice and figure out your topics. Just keep writing and all of that will eventually reveal itself. I found 100 posts was a turning point for me. I hope that helps! 🙂
Jessica says
Thanks Lena! My kids are 11, 7, and 21 months, but the little one feels like 5 kids at once because he’s VERY rambunctious. And I just try to be everything to everyone all the time. I need to teach them that I need MY time in little bits during the day. And then not feel guilty about it!
I’ll keep working it, and keep following you for inspiration to continue. 🙂
janea says
Is it bad to start blogs using the free version of word press then to slowly upgrade it?
Lena Gott says
I don’t know how the transfer process works between a and a website. But I do have a middle ground solution – you could start with paying for ONLY hosting and then use a free template that comes with WordPress. Then your cost would be just a few dollars a month. If you research the transfer process, please let me know what you find!
Suzi Whitford says
Haha, I love the part about being an introvert. Yup, that’s me! Most of the time I love being social with others… but I don’t mind spending time with myself drinking a cup of coffee. 🙂
Lena Gott says
That’s me – I love people but it drains me and I need to recharge ALONE 🙂
Janne Etz says
Oh, this is me, me, me, me, and me! And by far the most straightforwardly inspiring post about starting a blog that I can remember ever reading! Yes, yes…I CAN do this!
Lena Gott says
Thank you, Janne!!! And I see you’re already a great blogger! Love your site. 🙂
Nicole says
I would say I agree with all of this except the “introvert” part. I think I started a blog because I’m a SAHM and needed to remain social! I’m such an extrovert and I constantly need to socialize and when the kids were doing there thing I was dying for human contact. Blogging has made it possible to remain connected!
Lena Gott says
I can see that!
Erin Langford says
This is me completely but finding the time to start a blog would be the hardest part. My newborn twins, 2 year old and 2 stepchildren plus working full-time keeps this momma busy.
Lena Gott says
I completely understand!! I’ll still be here whenever you do get ready to launch a blog! Keep in touch. 😀
Hope Nikole says
I Just came across your blog, and I love your advice! I am hoping I can get more content on my blog and I will definitely be coming back here for advice!
Thank-you for all your tips!
Lena Gott says
Thanks for stopping by, Hope! I’m glad you found my tips helpful! 😀
Valerie Thibodeau says
Hi Lena,
I’ve got all these characteristics to be a good blogger but I’m really lacking time. It’s not so much writing posts that is time consuming it’s more the managing part of it!! And between working full-time, taking care of the kids + routine, and other adult-related chores (lol…house cleaning, bills, appointments, etc.) I’m totally burnt out by the time I could sit down to blog. Any tips for fellow bloggers like me who have it all but time?
Lena Gott says
Yes I do actually! My best recommendation would be to get ruthless with your to do list. Start getting rid of anything and everything that isn’t absolutely essential. I’ve done this myself and it’s saved my sanity!
Melissa says
I agree with these especially the introverted one. I too need to recharge by myself after being around people. I left my teaching career because of partially burnout. I’m excited for my new blogging adventure.Thanks for sharing.
Lena Gott says
Your blog is really cute, Melissa! I think you’ll do really well. 😀
Aurora Glory says
Thank you for this post! Sometimes I need some encouragement and seeing that I have all the traits you highlighted is wonderful 🙂
Lena Gott says
Glad to know I’m in good company!! 😀
Rein says
Thank you so much for this! I have recently went live and finally pulled the trigger and started my food and travel blog. I still have a tough time thinking of content to write about though, do you have any advice?
Lena Gott says
Hi Rein – yes I do! I would start with WHO exactly you’re trying to help. If you can find out WHO you’re writing to, the content will start to come to you. For instance, if you’re really into going to the beach, then maybe you’ll write your favorite beaches to travel to or what to pack for a great beach trip.
Palesa says
I’m almost all of these but working independently is hard, especially since when you are starting out there are no rewards with blogging.
Lena Gott says
It’s definitely tough in the beginning!! hang in there!!!
Michelle says
Great post Lena! I have been thinking about starting a blog for about a year now. This post was very helpful. I love how you are straight forward with your writing. I really want your insight on blog topics. That is whats holding me back.
Lena Gott says
Hi Michelle – I have a couple of posts about choosing the perfect blog topic. But also make sure to sign up for my Start a Blog Mailing List where I talk about that even more!
Sandy says
Hi Lena. I am loving your instruction. My question is about themes. My blog will be more of a magazine than a store. The point is not to sell products, at any rate. I really like the Sprinkle theme you mention above, but, it, like so many, seems to be designed for selling products. I also like a theme from Studiopress called Beautiful Pro. It seems to be designed more for articles. Should I be choosing a theme more like Beautiful Pro to save myself the headache of adapting something like Sprinkle? Or are they all super-adaptable? Also,some themes seem much more complex than others. I feel like I just want something simple and clean. Do all the themes have generally the same capability and expandability, or are some definitely more basic by nature?
Lena Gott says
Hi Sandy – Thank you so much! I apologize for the delayed response. My kids just tracked out for the summer and my days have been nuts! To answer your question – you can fairly easily adapt a product-based theme to an article focused one. Usually the product ones have product display pages added on, not as the main feature. I know lots of bloggers who use Sprinkle and it looks great. That said, I am a little more partial to Studiopress themes so I know you can’t go wrong with Beautiful Pro. Those are two really great choices. Can’t wait to see what you choose!
Natasha says
Thank you so much!!! You just described me in your blog! I hit all your criteria on the spot.
I started blogging yesterday and I can’t wait to get home and write some more!!
Thank you, love your post!
Lena Gott says
How exciting!!! If you think to come back and comment I’d love to know what your blog name is.
Lindsay says
I love this! I am a new(er) blogger and lately I have been discouraged, even though I know I cannot get results overnight.
Anyways, I can relate to a lot of these so thanks for the encouragment!! Keep up the great work blogging!
BTW: Introvert club whoop whoop 🙂
Lena Gott says
Simranjot kaur says
This is so me… Thank you for inspiring me to enter this blogging world with this post… 💟
Amanda King says
I love this article. I started a free blog with so many years ago. I had forgotten all about it until I recently decided to look for ways to make extra money. While reading one of the post, it hit me that I had started one. Well I hope that I can stick with it this time. I just can’t pin down a single topic to blog about all the time. I am one who enjoys reading and writing about everything. Any suggestions? Should I try to narrow it down or should I stay true to myself to just write whatever happens to come to mind.
Lena Gott says
Hi Amanda – It’s definitely a dilemma I had (and still do!). I love writing about so many things. I have finally figured out how to organize it all in one blog as you can see by my About page ( I have many many topics on here! I wrote all about this process in a new guide I think you’ll like.
Kayt says
Hi, I’m 15 and I just started a blog so that I could earn money for college. I tried to set up everything and I tried to promote my blog to friends and on social media… I’m kinda overwhelmed and I’ve been trying to get advice from multiple different blogs without contacting them… I haven’t looked at all of your posts but I am wondering if you have an article on how I can get more people to look at my blog? I’m nervous to reach out but I’m hoping to have some help haha. I tried to write good content but I’m still trying to figure this out. Can you help me out?
Kayt says
P.S. I don’t care too much about earning money, and I mainly just started this blog because I love writing but saving for college would be awesome. I just want people to see my work..
Lena Gott says
Hi Kayt – I do have some posts on getting traffic that you can read for free. Just search “traffic” in my search bar above.
Tina says
I have all of the traits you stated above but there are just so many subjects I could write about, that I hit a wall. I know so much about animal care, auto maintenance, etc. I am in a rut and fighting with myself to take the time to get a blog started. I guess I am afraid of failure since this haven’t been going great lately. Do you think I should just jump in and go for it?
Lena Gott says
Hi Tina – Yes I do! Doubt is the #1 killer of blogs. :/ If you have many topics you could write about, and you can’t decide among them, then I say just go with one…any one…and see what happens. My mantra is blogging is “what’s the worst that could happen?” Hope that helps!
Candice says
I started my blog mainly for myself, as an alternative to journaling, but now I find that I get excited when I get a new follower, and nice comments on a post. I fit your blogger personality perfectly, so it’s no wonder I enjoy looking for subject matter. My world is not very far afield, so I worry that I’ll run out of inspiration.
Lena Gott says
Whenever I run out of inspiration, I email my mailing list and ask them to send me their questions! That always works!
Stephanie says
I’d love to hear your ideas and your successes! I’m a mother of 6 and think I’d enjoy starting a blog. Thank you in advance!
Lena Gott says
What else would you like to know? I’m happy to answer any questions you have!
Sarah says
I’ve been thinking about blogging and I fit all but one of those traits!! I’m a SAHM to a 4 year old who is a brand new diabetic and a 1 year and being an introvert is putting it mildly haha I’m more like a hermit crab hehe. This is such a great post! I’m definitely going to go through your posts 😊
Lena Gott says
If you have that many traits in common, you’re half way there! lol
Alyssa says
I just started a blog! But investing time into it is hard especially after a long day of face to face work with people! (I’m an introvert too!) This was good to read! I feel like being so exhausted makes me feel like I am not good enough to be a blogger! Thank you for this post! It was really encouraging!
Lena Gott says
I am so glad it’s encouraging for you, Alyssa!
Stephanie, One Caring Mom says
I’m a new blogger and have been doubting my abilities. This post gives me hope that I do have what it takes. And I absolutely LOVE #4! I am definitely an introvert and prefer to connect with people online. Thanks for sharing some encouragement!
Lena Gott says
I’m so glad, Stephanie!!
Jessica says
Hi Lena,
This is one of the best posts I have read so far about starting a blog. I have been researching ways to make income on the side (or even get to be a stay at home mom) and I have been thinking about blogging. I have two littles, 4 year old and 19 month old, that keep me very busy. I have no idea what direction I would go in or even how to get started.
I love all 5 items you posted! It is very helpful! It is all exciting and I have a lot to think about. THANK YOU
Lena Gott says
I’m so glad you found this helpful, Jessica! Starting a blog is a serious decision so I try to give as much REAL info as possible. 🙂
Erica says
Love this! I haven’t seen it broken down this way and it definitely confirms for me that I’m going the right direction! Thank you!
Lena Gott says
You’re very welcome!!
Rebecca says
Thanks for an inspiring read!
Shalini says
I intend to do this full time if I finally get more time in between my job, kids and family. But yes writing is a passion and now I want to out it out there and not keep it limited to the diary.
Lena Gott says
It’s definitely a juggle to be a blogger and mom and employee, but you can do this! Good luck with turning it into a business you LOVE! 🙂
Teya @tlmblog says
This post is great! It really touches on what it takes to be a blogger that no one really talks about. It’s great being a blogger but there is a lot of alone time!
Lena Gott says
There sure is! So glad you liked this post. 🙂
D says
I’ve been struggling with bloggers self doubt lol. Thinking to myself, what if I don’t have what it takes? This post was so helpful, thx!
danielle says
thanks for this, I really needed a blogging pick me up. Some days are really frustrating, I just started out a little over a month ago. I really enjoy your blog and it looks fantastic!!
Lena Gott says
I’m so glad this helped you, Danielle! Blogging is definitely a marathon!
Lisa Grunden says
This is great! I absolutely love this. I am starting a Christian blog and I do need to use the free WordPress for now. I love that in another comment you said that it took you around 100 posts to get comfortable. That was really encouraging. I know this post is 3 years old and I found it on pintrest but I hope you will see this. LOL
Lena Gott says
Yep, I still check my comments! 🙂 100 posts is a great benchmark to shoot for.