Learn how you can use Save1 to feed a hungry child!
Good friends and long-time readers of my blog know that I have a soft spot for charities that feed hungry children.
I love volunteering with a local charity, Backpack Buddies, that sends home food-filled backpacks every Friday with children who might not otherwise eat over the weekend when school’s out.
And you only have to take one glance at my blog to know that I’m a big fan of money-saving strategies.
Sometimes I even combine those interests, such as in the post 7 Things You Don’t Need But Buy Anyway.
Social Responsibility and Frugality: a Perfect Pair
You can imagine my excitement when I found out about a new online coupon code website called Save1 that does just that – combines a love of saving money with a passion for feeding the hungry.
Save1 operates much like many other online coupon code websites you find out there – Savings.com, RetailMeNot, Coupons.com – with one major difference; when you use Save1 to save money, they provide a healthy meal to a malnourished child through one of their non-profit feeding partners.
I was blown away by what I read on Save1. This socially responsible business was founded out of the founding families’ desire to help those most needy.
They’ve collectively traveled the world and seen the effects of malnourishment firsthand in some of the world’s most desperate places. When they say on their Our Story page that they’ve been changed to the point of not being able to go back to what is “normal,” I believe them.
How Online Deals Website Save1.com Helps You Save Money
So how exactly does Save1.com work?
Below is a graphic explaining the process (I got permission from Save1 to use this).
What I like about Save1 is their Financial Integrity promise. The company promises to feed a hungry child each time you make a qualified purchase through the site. They even update the Meal Counter found at the top right corner of the homepage with the number of meals provided to date. As of mid-April 2013, that number is approaching 97,000 meals!
What Kinds of Coupons or Online Discounts Can You Find on Save1.com?
Save1 represents more than 5,000 online merchants. I did a quick search for all the ones I’d be most likely to visit, and I found them:
You can search for individual stores, find deals by category, or just search the best deals of the day.
When I looked under Today’s Best Deals, I found 25% off Gap and 30% off Banana Republic orders, both of which I could have used the other week when I went shopping for a new wardrobe! Aghhhhh! Oh well. Now I know! :/
No Time to Save Money? Some Savings Activate Immediately
From what I can tell, you can find percentage off discounts, a certain amount off a minimum purchase, and free shipping deals. All the same discounts you’d find through other online coupon code websites.
In some cases all you have to do is click on a link to activate the discount. Other times you must enter an online coupon code. If you have any questions about the discount available, there is a handy coupon FAQ page to help you out.
Don’t Plan on Shopping Online Soon? You Can Still Donate Meals for Free
Even if you don’t make a purchase, Save1 gives you an opportunity to help a needy child. Save1 will donate three meals for every person who does three things: 1. Shares their Facebook page 2. Likes them on Facebook 3. Signs up for their newsletter.
Here’s the link to get you started: How to Donate Three Meals
In the words of Save1 itself, let’s Save Money! Save Lives!
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This was a sponsored post. WhatMommyDoes received compensation for writing it; however, neither the topic nor content was dictated by the sponsor. All opinions are 100% our own.
KC @ genxfinance says
Oh yeah, I’ve heard of this. It’s such a nice cause. I want to make a difference in someone else’s life in one way or anther.