This post is for all the dads out there with little girls in their care. It’s my fourth post in my 3 Words series, a series of posts full of heartfelt encouragement for moms and dads.
Today as I was driving down the road, I heard a song I had heard a million times before. But for some reason I heard it a different way this time. It was John Mayer’s song, Daughters.
I recently wrote a post on 3 Things Your Daughter Needs to Hear You Say OUT LOUD. It was written from my perspective as a mom. As I drove down the road listening to Daughters, this post came to me.
The song goes:
Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers. So mothers be good to your daughters, too…On behalf of every man looking out for every girl…you are the god and the weight of her world.
As parents we are given a special charge when our children are born into our homes. I believe fathers have an especially important role to play.
I know SO MANY women who are permanently empowered and/or scarred by the way they were treated by their fathers. I might not be formally educated on this topic, but my life experience tells me these things to be true.
3 Things Every Little Girl Needs to Hear Her Daddy Say
1) I love your mother. A little girl’s father models the behavior she will look for in a mate some day. Daddies need to make sure you she has a good example for comparison! Too many little girls with fathers who don’t treat their mothers well look for the same behavior in the man they marry. Always think: What kind of man do you want her to look for?
2) I will always be there for you. Children, like everyone else, crave security in their lives. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing you have a safety net even when you venture out into the real world. Little girls who know their daddies will always be there for them are capable of amazing things!
3) You light up my life. Beyond basic feelings of security, little girls thrive on knowing that they mean A LOT to someone else. Too many girls go looking for acceptance in the wrong places. Show her that she means the world to you before she looks for this validation elsewhere.
Dads – These statements aren’t just things to say, they are ATTITUDES you must have. Kids pick up on much more than they ever let on. Strive to make your attitude match your words, and your words match your actions. If these things are not in sync, your child will pick up on it
John Mayer is surely wise beyond his years.
Other Posts in the 3 Things Series
3 Ways to Show Your Kids You Love Them
3 Things Your Daughter Needs to Hear You Say Out Loud
3 Meaningful Ways to Give Back as a Family Even When Your Kids Are Little
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Cheryl says
This is a great post- simple and true. I am sharing this with all my FB friends because I absolutely agree! Daddys have so much influence on their daughters and who they become. Thanks, Lena.
Lena Gott says
Thank you so much for sharing my post!!
jessica says
great article! It is so important and I know this first hand.
Audrey says
What a crock of shit! Why would you encourage your daughter to look for love from a man and aspire to be a wife and Mother. Inspire her to be an astronaut or a doctor! Teach her she don’t need you, she dont need any man, she don’t need anyone bit herself. THAT is the best gift you can give your children!
Kristi says
I so appreciated my father also being there for me and encouraging me iny endeavors! My father definitely played a pistol role in my life.
Christina @There's Just One Mommy says
Number 2 — that one my daddy told me as we danced at my wedding reception. Made me cry.
Jess Speck says
I love this! I have two boys–a preteen and a 16 yr old. I think this advice is as valid for their dad as it is for dads of girls. He is a great father, but I will suggest he mention these things to our kiddos often! In fact, I’m going to have hm read this through!
BTW, I am reading your ebook 17 Strategies to Go… I love your dedication because I have a Jon too and he is also my biggest cheerleader. He knows I could never go corporate and he supports my blogging and my homeschool 100%. With a less enlightened or supportive husband, I could never be doing what I am right now.
Lena Gott says
I think you’re right – boys can definitely use this too!! I’m so glad you like my book – let me know if you implement the strategies & what results you get! 🙂