I am so super excited to unveil my newest creation on the blog. It’s a cute & colorful 2016 monthly calendar! This template is flowers and super feminine. I couldn’t be more delighted with how it turned out!
The fresh, feminine floral design is very different from my modern 2015 calendar, and I think I like it much more! I’m really liking the subdued hues of bright pink, brown, and gray and the Notes section at the bottom of each page. I’m going to get a head start on 2017 templates, so if you have any design requests (colors, layout, etc), please let me know in the comments below. 🙂
The best part about this printable set is that if I mess up at any point, I can always print more! I hope you like it as much as I do!
As always, my printables and templates are free for anyone to use, but I love it when I hear how you like them on Facebook!
Update: My cute & colorful BLANK monthly calendar printables are here! Check them out here.
Printable 2016 Monthly Calendars – January to December
Don’t forget to pin this image for later reference! Just hover over the center of the image until you see the pin Pin It button.
Note: If you’ve looking for the entire year in one download, just scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll find it just below the December image.
2016 Calendar Templates – January / February / March
Free Printable 2016 Calendars – Months of April / May / June
Cute & Colorful 2016 Calendars to Print – July / August / September
2016 Calendars to Download – October / November / December
Entire 2016 Yearly Calendar in One File
If you need the entire 2016 annual calendar in one file, I’ve got you covered! Instead of downloading them one at a time, you can grab all 12 months of the year in a single file below.
January to December 2016 Calendar
Blank Monthly Calendars
These have been a long time coming, but they’re finally here! I now have a set of BLANK MONTHLY CALENDARS that you can fill in yourself. The calenders have each month listed at the top but are UNDATED so you can use them a variety of ways and for many years to come. Go here to grab them for yourself.
Other Calendars
More from WhatMommyDoes
- How to Make Money as a Virtual Assistant to Bloggers (creating calendars like these, for example!)
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Megan says
2017 requests – since you asked. 🙂 I use calendar sheets that are HUGE because it’s easy for me to organize my life that way – so 2 pages for one month’s calendar is what I mean. There is usually Su-W on the left hand page and Th-Sa on the right with a little notes column or something. I print mine out and put them into the Arc system, which I’ve been loving.
I’d also love some kind of matching weekly layout pages.
Lena Gott says
I’ll work on it and let you know when they’re ready! I’ll aim to publish them this spring/early summer.
Tracie says
Love the printables. If something is not pretty to look at, I simply will not use. Thank you. Any chance you are planning a 2016 yearly version or the to to lists like last years.
Lena Gott says
Thanks, Tracie! Me, too….if it’s not pretty it DEmotivates me! 🙂 Are you referring to the weekly to do list that matched my 2015 calendar? I had it in mind, but didn’t realize people would love it. I’ll see what I can do!
Diane says
Any chance you could do smaller printable calendars? I am looking for calendars sized 2.75 inches to replace the calendar sheets on a homemade calendar stand I was given.
It is just the numbers with no boxes and is great to sit next to my computer and phone for scheduling/planning. Thanks
Lena Gott says
Hi Diane,
I think that’s smaller than I plan on making for next year. I wonder if you could shrink down my calendars on your computer before printing? Just an idea!
Shraddha says
i need 2017 planner for next academic year planning … i loved ur design … i would love to see more of them asap as its urgent for me… i would rather prefer ur design… try out something in disney theme
Lena Gott says
Hi Shraddha – Are you looking for July – June or January – December?
Virginia says
I really like this design. Just needed a monthly calendar and this lovely one popped up.
Thanks so much.
Lena Gott says
I’m so glad you like it, Virginia!
Juliet Payne says
These are so cute! I am looking for 2017 as well. I love the portrait option for school!! I think it would be helpful to have federal holidays added and maybe Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
Mim says
I like your design but I think a different background would be better. Maybe there should be two options, one for cool colors and one for warm colors. When are you going to make it? I like to plan ahead for next year.
Lena Gott says
I already have it made, but haven’t had time to post it yet. I hope to have time this week! 🙂
Nanu says
Hi Lena. I just bumped into your calendars, so I’ve printed from August – December 2016, but I’m now on a need for the 2017 cal. The design is PERFECT, as it is, its simple, beautiful and easy to organize. Im not from the US, probably holidays wouldn’t be the same… thank you so much Lena, you’s making my life a little bit better =)
Lena Gott says
Hi Nanu – I have a 2017 calendar ready to go! (different design but it’s really pretty). I hope to put it up on the blog soon! 🙂
jen says
hello im looking for the 2017 calendar! i love this one so much and im planning my new school year! is there any chance you are doing them for 2017?
Lena Gott says
I am just about to release 2017! It’s a different design but very lovely just like these! Check back in a few days and they should be live! 🙂
Crystal says
I am a homeschooling mom and love this calendar layout (one page and vertical) and design! Thank you for the free printable! I intend to use this in my school planner. l like to have a month snapshot before my weekly pages. Any updates on when you may share 2017? I am completing my 2016-2017 school year planner and would love it all to match. Weekly planner pages spread over two pages (M-W page 1, Thur-Fri page 2) would be a great addition as well…if you are still taking suggestions. 🙂
Lena Gott says
So glad you like this, Crystal! 2017 will be similar format, but different design. I’ll keep the other layout in mind for next time!
Deb says
What font did you use for the 2016 calendars? It is so beautiful.
Lena Gott says
I wish I could tell you but my designer picked it out! 😉