Lately, I've been receiving lots of emails from new bloggers asking me the loaded question - "How do I make money blogging?" I always get overwhelmed in trying to respond to this question in writing because it's not really something you can explain in a single email. Or even an entire book. Succeeding at blogging takes a lot of little bits and pieces of knowledge that I will hopefully address along the way in my Blogging Tips series, but there's always one thing that holds steady throughout your journey. Blogging has earned me more than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams, but Keep Reading
How I Make $3000+ Per Month Blogging ~ July 2015 Income Report
Maybe you're just thinking about starting a blog. Or maybe you're a blogger who's wondering how to make money from this blogging adventure....this post is for you! Find out how to make $3000 per month or more! Background of WhatMommyDoes Writing online is something I've been doing for 7.5 years. Writing on my own blog is something I just started taking seriously in September 2014. I started this blog in 2010, blogged sporadically for a bit, then took off several years in between and after having babies 2 and 3. I picked back up on blogging just after my youngest turned 2 and I Keep Reading
Blog Traffic Tip #1: A Simple Way to Increase Page Views
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by WhatMommyDoes. As many of you know, I am writing an ebook called How I Went from 17k to 160k Monthly Page Views in 5 Months. I keep getting to a good stopping point on my draft only to remember more strategies that I use to add page views to my blog. My strategies are constantly evolving because my blog is consistently growing and I'm finding new ways to increase traffic as I go along. In fact, since I came up with that ebook title, my monthly traffic has shot up to 229,000, 300,000, 315,000, 350,000! I started working each additional tip into the ebook, Keep Reading
Fonts That Look Good Together
As a busy mom and blogger, I'm always trying to find ways to streamline my time spent on the computer. One thing that always takes me an unreasonable amount of time is finding just the perfect fonts for my graphics. Whenever I find a font combo I like, I jot down the names of the fonts for later reference. Today I was designing a motivational graphic in PicMonkey and had to use many fonts together. Instead of trying to keep track of the little post-it note with my fonts on it, I decided now would be a good time to document this for the blog and also to be able to share with other Keep Reading
Recommended Blogging Resources – Best of the Best List
I know sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a good blogging opportunity and a waste of time. There are so many directions to go as a blogger, and if you're like me, there are only so many hours you can devote to blogging in a week after taking care of your kids. This is a list of my very favorite blogging resources - advertising companies, sponsored post agencies, hardware, ebooks & courses, etc so you can grow your blog the right way. Let's get started! Freebies for Bloggers I've compiled a list of some of my favorite blogging freebies from around the Keep Reading
How Much Money Can You Make Blogging?
Whenever someone finds out I blog, they always assume I do it as a hobby. When I mention that I actually pay a babysitter a handful of hours per week so I can work on the blog, they are like, "What? Why?" That's when I get to explain that I actually make money blogging. Sometimes I get the oddest looks. If you're a blogger, you know what I mean. If you're not, then you're probably giving the screen an odd look right now. ;=) 2016 Update I published this post a couple years ago when I wasn't making much money from my blog. Since then my blog has grown beyond my wildest Keep Reading
What to Blog About – 5 Unique Blog Ideas
Unique blog ideas don't have to be complicated. Lots of people have neat blogs on fun topics and make money doing it! If you ask almost any blogger why blogging is a good extra income idea, you'll hear that it's all about the residual income. Online income is residual and builds on itself. Do you want to get paid for exactly each hour you work OR would you rather work 1 hour now, get paid for it next month, the month after that, and infinity for that one hour? How Do You Know What to Blog About? There are so many things you can write about, and there's a way to monetize (i.e. make Keep Reading
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