I LOVE making to do lists. I have a list for just about everything in my life. My shopping list My packing checklist for car trips My list of things to do today A list of things to do tomorrow A list of things to do the next time I have a free day Seriously, I have a problem! Not only do I love keeping everything on a tidy little list, I like variety in my life. So that's why I constantly change up the way I keep handwritten lists. Sometimes I use sticky notes, sometimes I use a magnetic pad on the fridge, but mostly I like to use larger pieces of paper because I Keep Reading
Free Printable Weekly To Do List – Printable Planner Template
I'm so excited to share this with you! It's a colorful & cute to do list to match my Monthly Calendar. Free Printable Weekly To Do List I love simple colorful things AND making lists. This printable is the best of both worlds. It's varying shades of light pink, blue, green, purple, and orange. :) This pretty to do list is free for all WhatMommyDoes email subscribers - you will get access to this printable AND tons more in my FREE PRINTABLES LIBRARY! Click the link below to request access! Colorful Weekly To Do List Printable This printable is perfect for Keep Reading
Printable Christmas Gift List
Every single year, I vow to get my Christmas shopping done at least a couple weeks before Christmas. I hate having to rush around a few days before December 25th finding last-minute presents, but poor planning usually has me there. I did a little bit better than usual last year, but still found myself at the mall two days before Christmas looking for a couple of items. What Will It Take To Get My Christmas Gift List on Track? This year’s gonna be the year I achieve my goal. I can feel it. No more rush shipping packages to my nieces and nephews because I Keep Reading
Pretty To Do List – Pink & Purple Ombre Printable
I am not a super girly girl by any means. But I definitely like PRETTY things. I also love to do lists. So today I've combined these two loves into a super cute pretty to do list template in ombre pinks and purples with HEARTS. The hearts are perfect because they can be used as checkboxes OR filled in with color to keep things neat and clean. I'm currently using this printable to track weekly to dos, but I think it would be equally useful as a daily planner. There aren't a ton of lines, so there's no way I could use it as a monthly checklist! Pretty Pink Keep Reading
Rainbow Themed Printable Daily Checklists
There's nothing I like more than making lists! In case you hadn't noticed (see the links at bottom of this post)! LOL Here's yet another COLORFUL to do list to add some variety and happiness into your days! I use it when I need an actual checklist. It has a place for writing the actual to-dos and then a spot to put actual check marks beside each line item! It's perfect. Colorful Printable Daily Checklist (click on the to do list image to access the PDF file) Printable Daily Checklist - Rainbow Colors Free Printable Heart Checklist Sometimes you need Keep Reading
Free Printable Valentine’s Day To Do Lists – Heart Pattern & LOVE Themed
Today our family had the opportunity to attend a wedding, something my kids have never experienced before. It was so nice to see dear friends of ours take their vows before Jesus. Of course, my girls were blown away that the bride looked like a princess. :) I thought what better day to share love notes on the blog? I have been working on some Valentine's day templates for quite some time, but I kept dropping them to work on something else. Free Printable Valentine's Day To Do List Templates So without further ado, here are 3 lovely printable to do lists with Valentine's Day themes - Keep Reading
Printable Christmas Tree Lined Note Paper
Sometimes I get a little carried away with the holiday spirit. I guess that's a good thing, right? I'm not one to decorate my house to extremes, but I like injecting Christmas themed things into my daily life. Since I need so much note paper on a daily basis (for blogging, grocery lists, etc) and I am big PAPER person, I like having cute notepads all around the house for when inspiration strikes. I came up with this cute little Christmas tree note paper to print out for general use and thought my readers would like it, too. Printable Christmas Tree Lined Note Paper To download this Keep Reading