I am not a super girly girl by any means. But I definitely like PRETTY things.
I also love to do lists.
So today I’ve combined these two loves into a super cute pretty to do list template in ombre pinks and purples with HEARTS.
The hearts are perfect because they can be used as checkboxes OR filled in with color to keep things neat and clean.
I’m currently using this printable to track weekly to dos, but I think it would be equally useful as a daily planner.
There aren’t a ton of lines, so there’s no way I could use it as a monthly checklist!
Pretty Pink Ombre To Do List Printable
Click on the image below to download this to do list as a PDF
document and print it out on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
As always, my templates are free of charge, but I do ask that you share
my printable to-do list post with all your friends on Facebook and Pinterest!
The more, the merrier! :=) You can use the handy little icons below this post to do so.
New! a WISH LIST in the same format! Thanks to a lovely reader for asking for me to create this! 😀
More Free To Do List Templates
A couple years ago, I found some cute to do lists I love. Now I think I love my
printable template above a lot more, but they’re still great, too
(matches my printable monthly calendar)
Cute & Colorful {FREE} To Do List Templates
I have some more templates in the works, so please stay tuned!
I hope you have a wonderful (and PRODUCTIVE) day!
More Printables From WhatMommyDoes
- Free 4 Leaf Clover Templates
- Valentine’s Day Coupons
- Alphabet Letters A-Z
- Cute Monthly Budget Printable
Natasha says
They are really pretty. My daughter would like these.
Lena Gott says
Yes my 6 year old is already asking me to print out multiple copies for her! 🙂
Joanna @Makingmine says
Being organized is more fun with cute lists 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Scott says
I think I need a whole pad of those! I go through them too quickly!
Lena Gott says
Me too! I actually have the supplies needed to make homemade notepads, so stay tuned for a future post about doing this yourself! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
christine gallagher says
These are adorable I am working so hard on figuring out how to do printables but it’s tough to find info on it so if you have any tutorials or posts please share with me =)
great work by the way, thanks for sharing
Lena Gott says
Hi Christine,
Thank you! Abby from JustaGirlandHerBlog has a great tutorial on printables. The link is at the top of this post: http://justagirlandherblog.com/home-office-makeover-reveal/
julia says
I think the ombre to do list is so cute! I am desperately trying to find something like this to put in our teachers boxes that say Wish List instead of To Do list….. is there any way I could get you to do that?
Lena Gott says
Hi Julia – Of course – how about I just email you the original file so you can edit the header to say what you want? It will be in Word, not a PDF.
Nicole Cope says
Hello Lena! I stumbled onto this beautiful pretty pink ombre to do list today. I am so glad I found your blog it is awesome! I followed your instructions above to click on the image of the to do list to download but when I do so I get an error message that this link is no longer working. Is this list still available? I have been successful downloading some of your other lovely printables unfortunately this one will not work. Please help! Thank you in advance for your help & of course your lovely designs you are so kind to share. Happy New Year 2017 to you and your 3 little boogers! 🙂
Nicole Cope
[email protected]
Lena Gott says
Thanks for pointing this out to me, Nicole! I don’t know what happened but I just updated the link so it should work now!
Lynn says
I would love to create better looking printables for my fitness, food, and healthy lifestyle blog. I currently use canva, but lining things up and creating icons isn’t easy. I tried using MS Word, but they came out blah and looked boring. Can I ask what you use to create yours? They’re so much cuter than what I’ve made.
Lena Gott says
Hi Lynn! I actually did this particular one in Word, but I like PowerPoint or Publisher now. They are SO EASY to drag everything everywhere you want. I hope that helps!