I’m so excited to share this with you!
It’s a colorful & cute to do list to match my Monthly Calendar.
Free Printable Weekly To Do List
I love simple colorful things AND making lists.
This printable is the best of both worlds. It’s varying shades of light pink, blue, green, purple, and orange. 🙂
This pretty to do list is free for all WhatMommyDoes email subscribers – you will get access to this printable AND tons more in my FREE PRINTABLES LIBRARY!
Click the link below to request access!
Colorful Weekly To Do List Printable
This printable is perfect for printing out one at a time as needed or even printing in bulk and binding into a notepad using notepad adhesive or 3-hole punching or a 3-ring binder.
I know you’ll love it as much as I do!
Tons of Cute Printable To Do Lists!
(Click on the image below for more printables)