A Valentine's Day coupon is a simple and sweet way to show how much you care about the love of your life. And men--- It's an easy way to show your romantic and slightly cheesy side. All women love this! :) Valentine's Coupons are very popular to give and receive. I like these because this is something the kids can give to mom or dad OR can be shared between boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife. I would personally love these from my kids and husband with some of these ideas. Ideas of what you can write on the coupons: Breakfast In Bed Keep Reading
3 Easy Heart Coloring Pages for Kids {Stripe Patterns!}
Every year I like to create a few new coloring pages for my blog. This year I've decided to go back to basics and make a set of EASY HEART COLORING PAGES FOR KIDS! Both options have stripes on them. I ALWAYS loved creating my own stripey hearts as a kid (honestly, I still doodle this way!), so I know lots of kids will love these print outs. Easy Stripe Pattern Heart Coloring Pages for Kids You can download my newest coloring pages below. Heads up - after you download these, make sure to check out the other Valentine's Day coloring pages + printables Keep Reading
The Best Valentine’s Day Crafts to Make & Sell
As you may already know, I love craft fairs. I've written extensively about DIY crafts to sell on the blog. Today I'm combining two of my passions (Valentine's Day and money-making crafts) into one post about Valentine's Day Crafts You Can Make & Sell! You can sell so many things for Valentine's Day....anything from fun & cute gifts to home decor. Think outside of the box, and you will come up with something great. Below are some ideas to get you started. Valentine Craft Ideas to Sell Once you have a booth application Keep Reading
Free Printable Heart Templates – 9 Large, Medium & Small Stencils to Cut Out
I'm so excited. Today I have something to share with you that I've been wanting for my blog for quite some time. We've been super busy with preschool & after school activities lately, but I can't wait to share this. It's four sets of FREE heart templates you can print! As a fairly frugal person, I don't like paying perfectly good money for something you can get for free online. This usually means that craft supplies don't make the cut. Every year I have a new need for heart crafting templates - when my babies were little, we did a LOT of Keep Reading
Free Printable “Pop Pop Pop” Valentine’s Day Card to Attach to Pop Rocks
Today I have a super cute printable Valentine's Day card to share with you. This is a cute card to exchange with friends in playgroups or a school classroom Valentine's Day party card exchange. Of course, as you can see, these POP POP POP cards are meant to be attached to Pop Rocks for a super cute Valentine's Day card exchange. Free Printable Valentine's Day Card - Alone or with Candy! I just got a new Epson Workforce printer at home, and now I'm all about printout out things like cards and artwork so I don't have to buy them at the Keep Reading
Printable Heart Shapes – Tiny, Small & Medium Outlines
It's no secret I LOVE hearts! One of my favorite things to do is create heart templates to print out and use for crafts, art projects, garlands, and anything else you might need a heart outline for. Here are my latest creations! Feel free to use any of these free printable heart shapes in your own Valentine's Day cards or heart craft projects. Enjoy! Page Full of Hearts - Tiny, Small, Medium Sized Stencils These printable heart shapes are the best of all worlds - if you need many different sizes for a single project, this printout is perfect. I didn't Keep Reading
Easy DIY Folded Heart Shaped Notes {Free Printable}
I don't know about you, but we're in full Valentine's Day mode over here! I just sent all three kids off to school today with pink and red decorated Valentine's Day card boxes, and we made a total of 75 Valentine's Day cards for their friends! I love Valentine's Day, but MAN is it a lot of work when you're a mom! :D Today I have something really neat to share with you - it's a simple DIY folded heart note. I actually created this for my kids to use as a template for birthday cards. (We sometimes also use this lovely folded DIY card with hearts all over it). Instead of Keep Reading
Love Heart Coloring Pages {Free Printables!}
It's a new year which means it's time for me to create some new coloring sheets for my blog! I try to make at least one new pattern per year so there's a variety on here. This year I'm keeping up the Valentine's Day theme and making a set of cute LOVE HEART COLORING PAGES FOR KIDS! I've always been obsessed with cute hearts since I was a child - I not only drew hearts on everything I owned, I would wear heart clothing! I wish I had a picture of my favorite candy hearts shift dress that I had when I was 10. I wore that thing until it no longer fit with matching Keep Reading
30 Cheap Date Night Ideas – Budget Friendly ROMANTIC Ideas!
Everyone loves doing something with their boyfriend or husband on Valentine’s Day but sometimes our wallets don’t keep up with our desires. What can you do to have fun with your significant other, but not break the bank? Here are thirty ideas that can be done fairly inexpensively but will still create fun memories! 30 Cheap Valentine’s Day Date Ideas I find that the key to dating on the cheap is being flexible on timing. If you MUST go out on a certain day at a certain time, you will be limited in options. But if you can be flexible on timing, inexpensive dates are yours for the Keep Reading
12 Months of Date Night Ideas with Your Husband (with free printable tags!)
One of my favorite gift ideas for my husband for Valentine's Day, his birthday, and our anniversary, is to give him vouchers. He thinks they're cool; I like that they're meaningful. 12 Months of Date Night Ideas with Your Husband or Boyfriend This year for Valentine's Day I am giving him a set of date night vouchers as a sort of promise that we will regularly take time off of our jobs as mom and dad and just go out on a real date like we used to before we had kids. In fact, I would go so far as to say I think keeping up with regular dates with my husband makes me a much better Keep Reading
Valentine’s Day Conversation Heart Rice Krispie Treats Recipe
You guys. I am seriously sooooooo excited! Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, and I thought it would be a great idea to put together some cute treats for the blog. I am all about making themed desserts these days. Meet my new favorite Valentine's Day treat: Conversation Heart Rice Krispie Treats These are so cute and easy to whip together for a classroom treat, or just a fun lunch box addition. These Conversation Heart Rice Krispie Treats are a little piece of nostalgia in a little, crunchy (heart-shaped) package! I love the sweet pastel coloring, but you can leave Keep Reading
i heart you – graphics for sharing just because
These images are free for anyone to grab and share on Facebook or other social media with someone they love JUST BECAUSE! Enjoy! ~ Lena Keep Reading
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Ideas
I don't know about you, but once Christmas is over, my thoughts turn to my next favorite sequential holiday - Valentine's Day. I skip right over New Years. I think it's too soon after Christmas for me and kind of still seems like Christmas anyway. Since I'm already thinking about Valentine's Day, I'm in the mood to get inspired by all the yummy treats, especially cupcakes! Valentine's Day Cupcake Ideas Here are a few gorgeous cupcakes to inspire your Valentine's Day creations. I'm not the best baker in the world, but I am going to give a couple of these a Keep Reading
Free Printable Valentine’s Day To Do Lists – Heart Pattern & LOVE Themed
Today our family had the opportunity to attend a wedding, something my kids have never experienced before. It was so nice to see dear friends of ours take their vows before Jesus. Of course, my girls were blown away that the bride looked like a princess. :) I thought what better day to share love notes on the blog? I have been working on some Valentine's day templates for quite some time, but I kept dropping them to work on something else. Free Printable Valentine's Day To Do List Templates So without further ado, here are 3 lovely printable to do lists with Valentine's Day themes - Keep Reading
Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Moms – Inexpensive Ideas for Kids & Dads
If you are reading this post, you've lucked out - this is a post of the best valentine's day gifts for moms! Thoughtful Valentine's Day Gifts from Kids When it comes to gifts my kids give me, I don't like to see them spend MY money on something for me. I'd much rather them make something meaningful that takes time, effort, and forethought. When your kids are little like mine are, all the work for this meaningful gift falls squarely on dad's shoulders. Sorry dudes! So to give all the dads out there a little boost and provide some nice Valentine's Day gift ideas for the moms in Keep Reading