As a CPA, I know how important it is to have your finances under control. Even though I have been trained to use complicated strategies to managing money, I don't actually do anything complicated when it comes to my money. In fact, there is one thing I recommend that everyone do that is quite simple, but I don't think many people do it: Open a second savings account Before you say, "That's stupid" and leave because you're angry that I made you come read this post to find out my super secret tip, hold on a second! Let's look at the reasons why I recommend this. Why Keep Reading
Our Emergency Fund Story
There was a time when we lived paycheck to paycheck, but after our kids were born we became increasingly worried that an unexpected loss of income would put us in a serious financial situation we couldn't escape. This is our story. Is It My Responsibility to Set Up an Emergency Fund? My husband and I have this thing. It's that we both want to be the carefree one at times. We both want to have time to ourselves to take naps in the middle of the day, we both want to go out to dinner with friends, we both want to spend money on things we want and travel Keep Reading
Best Budget Spreadsheet for 2024!
Searching for the best household budget spreadsheet template to use this year? Well, you have found it! In this post, I'd like to discuss and recommend the best Excel budget planner I have found to manage your finances in 2024 and forward in 2025! If you are ready to really take control of your money this year, you will want to use a family budget planner to do so. This little document will seriously rock your wallet! It will give you all the information you need to save money, pay off debt, and live a more financially free life. CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE PERFECT FAMILY Keep Reading
{Free Printable} 52-Week Savings Challenge
Recently I had some requests for an extended version of my 26-week savings plan. I decided to make this a 52-week long savings plan - it's so simple it's almost ridiculous! All you do is start with $1 in Week One. Then every week after that you add $1 to the amount you're saving for the week. That's it! If you do this, you'll have a cool $1,378 extra in one year's time! Imagine if you did double this?! $1,378 is plenty of money to buy all the Christmas gifts on our list when we're sticking to our Christmas budget, so that's what I'll likely use ours for. It's Keep Reading
The Best Penny Saving Challenges for 2024
Have you heard of the penny challenge? It's an easy way to save up $600 a year, starting with a literal penny! The next time you see a penny in the streets, you'll definitely stop and pick it up once you see what you can do with the money saved with these penny charts. A Penny a Day ....Matters! I love little ways to trick myself into save money like this - anytime I can put away some cash versus spending it is a great thing. Some may laugh & wonder what in the world a penny a day can do, but I don't think the real results are a laughing Keep Reading
How to Eat at Home More Often
Today I want to talk about something that is very important. It’s important if you are trying to fill in the gaps of your household budget and save a little bit more money. The biggest thing that I found that most families do that drains their finances is eat out too many times in a month. When I have a lot going on at work with my blog and the kids are really busy with sports and my husband is traveling a lot, I find that I barely have time to focus on the things I need to do. So sometimes my go-to tactic is to eat out at restaurants instead of making dinner. :/ Even Keep Reading
How to Survive Financially When Life is Uncertain
So many people are under stress this year and will be well into next year because so many things in our lives are uncertain. During the coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of what you should do next. Because when you are overwhelmed, your reasoning goes out the door and you just go into panic mode! It doesn't have to be that way, though. How Can You Be Okay in Uncertain Times? I get it - it's hard to know what you are supposed to do when things feel so up in the air. I feel that way and I'm an expert at finances! Keep Reading
How to Get Free Formula Coupons – Enfamil Coupons + Similac
Do you need free baby formula coupons? Here are two ways to get these free formula coupons and samples delivered right to your mailbox. When you're pregnant for the first time, it's hard to know exactly what you need for your newborn baby. Back then, I didn't even know I would eventually need formula coupons. I thought I was going to breast feed for the first year of my baby's life, like all the experts seemed to recommend. Little did I know that I would stop breastfeeding at 8 months and need 4 months worth of formula to get to the point where my little girl could drink Keep Reading
$265 One-Month Money Challenge! A Fun Way to Save / Earn Nearly $300 Without Even Trying
This one-month money challenge will allow you to boost your savings! Today I have something super fun to share. It's a $265+ ONE MONTH SAVINGS CHALLENGE I put together to help anyone get a jump start on savings. It's a unique combination of saving money and making money that, if done bit by bit over the course of a month's time, will net you at least $265 in extra money! I am a strong believer that some people are just not cut out for strict budgeting. I personally fall into that category! I don't like feeling deprived ALL THE TIME. But I can do just about anything if it's a Keep Reading
26 Week Savings Plan Printables: Start with $26, End with $1000!
It's been a while since I originally posted my 26-week savings plan, so I figured it was time for an update! If you're anything like me, visualizing your goals plays a huge part in the success of a goal. When I set out to grow my blog to $7,500 per month (October 2015 earnings....income report to be posted soon!), I started with my end goal in mind. I looked at what my then-monthly income was and calculated how long it would take me to meet my goal if I simply duplicated my efforts up to that point. I visualized all of this on a whiteboard, then eventually moved it into an Excel Keep Reading
Amazon App Deal: $5 Off your First $10 Purchase
Take advantage of this great Amazon app deal! If you haven't used the Amazon app to order stuff, here's a $5 off $10 you can use on me! My husband and I love ordering things from the Amazon app! I have it on my phone so I can make purchases on the go, and we also have it installed on our iPad at home, and even my husband orders things from there. I don't know what we did before we incorporated Amazon Prime into our daily lives. It seriously reduces my stress so much because I can shop when it is convenient for me and have everything delivered to my door in two days. No more taking three Keep Reading
The Smartest Thing To Do With Your Tax Refund
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ebates for IZEA Worldwide. All opinions are 100% mine. When it comes to tax time we ALL hope for a refund. And if we’re lucky enough to get one, we are left with the big question = What do I do with it? Before I get into that I’d like to clear up one confusing point regarding tax refunds. I find a lot of people do not realize exactly what their refund is. Or think it is money the government is giving them. The most common way tax refunds occur is when you pay more taxes throughout the year through your Keep Reading
How to Start Your Child on the Road to Financial Independence
Today I want to welcome Amanda Grossman to the blog to talk about teaching kids to save money. She's writes about money education for kids over at Money Prodigy and has a lot of practical advice for all of us interested in raising financially responsible children. Take it away, Amanda! I don’t have to tell you that your child needs a money education. You already know that. But how to actually start that money education? Well, that’s a different story. Let's get started! How To Start Teaching Kids About Money I talk to parents all the time who feel absolutely Keep Reading
This is Why Minimalism Doesn’t Work if You’re Frugal
Please tell me I'm not the only one.... The only frugal person who really, really doesn't get minimalism. Or, I probably should say, I get it - but I don't like it. I appreciate those who can pull off this lifestyle, but honestly, it's not for me. I just couldn't bear to spend the money required to achieve that certain aesthetic. You know the one! I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm ANTI-minimalist since that would imply I take minimalism seriously as a lifestyle choice when it is just a preference. After being frugal my entire life and a minimalist for a little more than one year Keep Reading
The Best Online Summer Job for Teachers! (You can make $14-$22/hr)
School letting out is right around the corner. If you're a teacher, that possibly means a SUMMER JOB! If you're like me, nothing will motivates you more than trying new things. But not just something new, it must be something worthwhile as well. Ain't nobody got time for free work. Or even low paying work. If you have a Bachelors degree, you may eligible VIPKID is a growing company that offers online one-on-one English lessons to children in China. Easy peasy. You don't need to know Chinese to get in on this. As long as you can teach English Keep Reading
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